The county fairgrounds plan with San Jose Earthquakes includes six public football fields
A development proposal between Santa Clara County and the San Jose Earthquakes released Tuesday shows plans for a vast fairground sports complex in the Spartan Keys neighborhood that could include six public stadiums. Four more will be exclusive to the football team.
All fields will be lit for nighttime play and will be built in the southwest corner of the fairgrounds along Amberger Road. In addition to the fields, the proposal calls for the construction of an earthquake training center that will house a gym, locker room, dining hall and other facilities.
The team will continue to play games at PayPal Stadium located 15 minutes north by car near Mineta San Jose International Airport.
In an interview, Earthquix President Jared Shawali described the plans as a “unique opportunity.”
“I think it could be a really, really special place for the people of Santa Clara County to enjoy football,” said Shawley, who has worked with the Major League Soccer team since 2007 and recently became its president at the start of the year. “Being able to have young children in our community next to professionals…I think it will be an incredible experience for everyone involved.”
Since 2010, the soccer team has been practicing at a stadium near PayPal Stadium, which opened in 2015. For now, Shawley said the Earthquakes Academy team has been training at the Twin Creeks Sports Complex in Sunnyvale and the goal of the fairground plan is to get everyone under one roof.
At the same time, Schole described the proposal as a win-win situation, noting the dearth of publicly available football pitches in the area.
“For the community, it’s just a great site,” he said. “We know that in this region, we are short on field space at the moment. Being able to put six stadiums online is a game changer for the football community.”
The closest football field to the fairgrounds is a complex called The Park San Jose, which costs nearly $100 to rent a stadium. Solari Park is located a little further away, which requires a permit to host a football game. The proposed location of the fields is currently used by trucking, landscaping and recycling companies.
The Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday to approve an exclusive 12-month negotiation deal with Seismic, and the next steps include cost analysis and design. Shawley said it’s too early to say whether public access areas will be available on a first-come-first-served or require reservations.
The 165-acre fairground, which has hosted fairs since 1944, may also be home to a “world-class” cricket ground starting in 2024. The county is currently in negotiations with Major League Cricket for a $50 million, 15,000-seat facility that would Also establishing the city’s first cricket league.
Currently, the fairground is home to an extensive COVID-19 testing site, paintball arena, and temporary homeless shelter for about 60 people. The annual fair has been closed or downsized for the past two years due to the pandemic. It is also scheduled to reduce the size of the exhibition next July.
Sources 2/ https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2022/04/05/county-fairgrounds-plan-with-san-jose-earthquakes-includes-six-public-soccer-fields/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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