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Young 3.11 Tsunami Survivor Encouraged by the A Bomb Narrator’s Words (Part Two)

Young 3.11 Tsunami Survivor Encouraged by the A Bomb Narrator’s Words (Part Two)


Tetsuya Tadano, right, encouraged by the words of atomic bomb survivor Taiko Terami, center of the photo, who lost her younger sister in the bombing of Hiroshima, spoke about his family. Kiyosi Ogata, left, is also seen with the two at a cafe in the Naka Ward in Hiroshima in August 2021 (Mainichi/Nobuyuki Hyakutake)

Ishinomaki, Miyagi – Tetsuya Tadano, now 22, was the only student who responded to interviews immediately after his school was engulfed by the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. But before he realized it, he was queasy because of his visit to the former school building Every year on March 11 to speak to reporters.

Each year as the anniversary of the disaster approaches, Tadano is contacted by the press to make comments that he is the “miracle boy” who survived the tsunami, which killed 74 of the 108 students at the former Okawa Municipal Primary School in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, when he was In the fifth grade. He drove himself into the corner thinking, “I have to say something different from last year.”

Although Tadano entered the engineering department at a local university in 2018, he became unsure that this was what he actually wanted to study, and dropped out in 2020. He says the stress of “having to talk about inner feelings” And life changes in interviews” also weighed heavily on him.

The tension came to a head when Tadano was about to celebrate his coming of age party. He remembers thinking, “There’s a side to me besides the side from Okawa Elementary School. I want to stop being Tetsuya Tadano from Okawa Elementary School,” and began to refuse requests to appear in the media.

The turning point came with his reunion with Hideaki Sato, 65, a psychological counselor who organized study sessions shortly after the earthquake and listened to young Tadano’s concerns. Tadano called him and met him in March 2021 – 10 years after the disaster. They talked all night at a hotel in Sendai.

He told Tadano Sato what drove him to drop out, worry about his future, and reluctance to appear in the media. He felt relieved once he heard his concerns. But when Sato asked him what he would do about elementary school, Tadano struggled to give an answer. The school building’s renovation work has been completed, and the ruins will be revealed to the public as a memorial to the disaster in July of that year.

In May, Tadano went to Tokyo and also met seniors he had studied with and talked with them about their concerns during study sessions. At the time, Tadano remembered that he wanted to visit the atomic bomb dome in Hiroshima when he was a high school student. Although his school was crippled by a natural disaster while the dome of the A-bomb was damaged in the war, the presence of the dome as a “silent storyteller” was taken into account during discussions about the school building.

Tadano wanted to know what kind of thoughts and aspirations Hiroshima–a city that still spreads talk of the tragedy at the time and the danger of nuclear weapons even 75 years after World War II–had the stories fade and how the atomic bomb dome had been preserved all these years. .

Tadano and his friends went to Hiroshima on August 5 and 6 – the latter being the day the atomic bomb was dropped on the city – and visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Children’s tracks including burnt tricycles, a lunch box that had turned black from the inside, and torn clothes were shown along with information about each of their lives.

Tetsuya Tadano is seen in this photo taken in March 2012 in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, a year after the great earthquake and tsunami in eastern Japan in 2011. (Mainichi / Yuya Sudo)

Meanwhile, no belongings or photographs of the deceased students are on display in the memorial museum built next to the former Okawa Elementary School, which opened to the public in July 2021. Tadano felt that the museum in Ishinomaki lacked transportation for the presence of the children who lost their lives due to the tsunami.

In Hiroshima, Tadano and others spoke to Taiko Terami, 91, who relays her experience of being exposed to bomb radiation when she was mobilized as a student. She lost her younger sister, aged 13, at the time. “I didn’t want to see the atomic bomb dome when I started speaking out, but now I think it’s necessary to continue to convey (my experience),” she said.

Upon hearing the Teramae’s remark, Tadano became convinced that “the existence of the atomic bomb dome and storytellers like the Teramae are essential for experiences to be passed down to younger generations.” Tadano also learned that citizens are still donating in order to preserve the atomic bomb dome.

“When I became a listener, I felt the tremendous power of words that people who have already gone through experiences have. If I close my mouth, who else will talk about the tsunami being swallowed up? There are things that are the ones who should pass on their experience,” said Tadano, realizing that he was the one to pass on his experience.

Tadano, who had become stubborn over the years, softened thanks to the exchanges he had in Hiroshima. He gradually began helping storytelling by bereaved families of Okawa Elementary School students, and went on to create the “Team Okawa Mirai o Hiraku (Open the Future)” network. He could see a diagram of a route he could take.

Tadano and three other members expressed their determination at a meeting in Ishinomaki to announce the establishment of the network in February of this year. The lives of the three members have also changed drastically since the 2011 disaster. They all witnessed their friend talking about the tragic accident.

22-year-old Kento Kono, who was Tadano’s classmate, transferred to another school after the disaster. But the two have been practicing judo together since they were young. Kono hoped to help Tadano one day, and when he was invited to the network, he took the position of deputy representative. Desiring to be someone who can protect children after a disaster, Kono has studied to become a nursery teacher, and will become a teacher in April.

Kiyosi Ogata, 24, who became the network’s general secretary, lost his younger brother, a fourth-grader, and younger sister, a first-grader at Okawa Elementary School, when he was in his first year of middle school. He still regrets telling his sister to “shut up” when she came to his room to wake him up on the morning of March 11, 2011. He always thought he shouldn’t remind his remaining family of the disaster.

The former Okawa Elementary School building, center right, where several students and teachers were swallowed up in the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, is seen in this photo taken by a Mainichi Shimbun helicopter in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, in April. 2011 (Mainichi / Tsutomu Kobayashi)

The area around the former school building, preserved to remind people of the disaster, is a danger zone where people are still unable to reside. Regardless, Tadano imagined what the city would look like in the future, such as in Hiroshima where many young people now live.

In the last speech he gave at the meeting, Tadano delivered a message that he himself wanted to tell others, rather than a message that someone had requested. “I believe that one day, young people will return to Okawa, and we will be able to take back their hometown where children will be able to live freely in nature,” he said.

(Japanese original by Nobuyuki Hyakutake, Ishinomaki local office)

(This is the second part of a two-part series)




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