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Ecuador: Earthquake – Emergency Action Plan (EPoA), Operation DREF MDREC019 – Ecuador

Ecuador: Earthquake – Emergency Action Plan (EPoA), Operation DREF MDREC019 – Ecuador


a. Situation Analysis

Description of the disaster

On March 26, a 6.0-magnitude earthquake was recorded in Ecuador at approximately 11:28 p.m. According to the Special Seismic Report 2022-001 issued by the Institute of Geophysics (IGEPN), the epicenter was located off the coast of Esmeralda at a depth of 28 km. The event is associated with the confluence of the Nazca Plates and South America, which is attributed to the 8.6-magnitude earthquake that struck Ecuador in 1906, as well as subsequent earthquakes in 1942, 1958, 1979, and 2016.

All of the latter had a magnitude greater than 7.7, making them major earthquakes. According to IGEPN and SNGRE reports, the quake was felt with different levels of intensity in 63 cantons across 11 provinces:

High: 7 in Esmeraldas

Moderate: 24 in Santo Domingo, Cotopaxi, Pichincha, Guayas and Manabi

Low: 32 in Los Rios, Pastaza, Guayas, Imbabura, Carchi and Bolivar

Seismic analysis in the area indicated that two small earthquakes (magnitude <= 2.0) occurred hours before the 6.0 on the Richter scale, locally, using vertical displacement (MLv) - the magnitude occurred at 11:39 pm TL on Saturday 26 March. After the event, 15 earthquakes with magnitudes between 1.7 and 5.1 MLv were located. Similarly, a bulletin issued by the Naval Institute of Oceanography (INOCAR) indicated that the earthquake did not meet the conditions necessary to generate a tsunami along the Ecuadorean coast and insular region.

Immediately after the event, response teams from relief entities such as the Red Cross, Firefighters, National Police, Armed Forces and SNGRE were activated to conduct search and rescue operations, prehospital care, evacuation, humanitarian assistance, psychosocial support (PSS), emergency shelter, and damage and needs assessment procedures in areas of impact. , which produced the preliminary data on the damage.

A few days later, it turned out that the number of affected families continued to increase in different neighbourhoods, with many homes already having previous structural damage from the 2016 earthquake exacerbated by this earthquake. Initial assessments were slow as teams in the field found it difficult to collect data due to aftershocks. However, as of April 7, daily situation reports are being published by SNGRE to update the situation resulting from this local emergency.

Damage to housing infrastructure was rated from minor to severe. The fact that the damage was not uniform across the territory required a more specific process of determining the damage. It was later found that many of the homes that sustained minor damage during the initial assessments had sustained significant damage from the aftershocks. Therefore, multiple visits had to be performed at different time points to update the primary assessment data. This has resulted in a flow of changing information, which means that estimates will take longer than in other emergencies.

According to Case Report No. 17 of April 6, 2022, by SNGRE, the major damages recorded include:

Local authorities have opened two collective emergency centers to provide comprehensive care for people whose homes have been damaged:

The rest of the affected families were received by friends and families, while others chose to build informal shelters made of plastic sheeting and wood next to their homes to guard their belongings.

The map below shows the areas most affected, areas where family censuses were conducted, collection points established, and emergency group centers opened:

The number of people affected by the earthquake is increasing daily. According to Case Report No. 17, 4,097 people have reported being affected mainly in rural parishes of Esmeralda, including Tapiazo, Tacina, San Mateo, Vuelta Larga, Chinca and Camarones in the province of Esmeraldas, as well as in Kingwe and Dol de Moisin, Sua Atacames. In addition, people were reported to be affected in neighboring provinces including Cotopaxi, Guayas, Imbabura, Los Rios, Manabi, Pichincha, Santo Domingo de los Cachaillas and Tungurahua.

Humanitarian aid donated by private companies (Nestle, Supermercados el Coral, Supermercados TIA, Laboratorios Rocnarf), NGOs (Fondo Ecuadoratoriano Populorum Progression) and foundations (Cecilia Rivadeneira) were distributed by SNGRE in different sectors as well as collective centers to affected families, including:

2,924 food portions and snacks.

160 personal hygiene kits.

1,000 blankets.

224 drugs.

211 gallons of water.

2 mattresses.

The Ministry of Public Health has engaged in actions that include:

Fumigation and delivery of fabrics at the collective

Health care and antigen tests for protected persons.

Water quality monitoring and evaluation.

Epidemiological surveillance in the canton.

The Operations and Emergencies Committee, led by the Governor of Esmeraldas, was activated to assess damages and coordinate response actions with key actors, and the Equity and Reconciliation Commission was the only institution collecting data for people affected by the earthquake. This database has been shared with all relevant actors. The governor directly asked the Egyptian Red Crescent to move the portable toilets to one of the two collective emergency centers. As part of the national decentralized risk management system, technical work schedules 2, 4 and 7 and all three working groups have also been activated.




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