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Northern Ireland Assembly Election Briefing for Andrew Madden: From Stormont’s Most Curious Candidate to the Earthquakes of the Alliance and the Ups and Downs of Jim Wells

Northern Ireland Assembly Election Briefing for Andrew Madden: From Stormont’s Most Curious Candidate to the Earthquakes of the Alliance and the Ups and Downs of Jim Wells
Northern Ireland Assembly Election Briefing for Andrew Madden: From Stormont’s Most Curious Candidate to the Earthquakes of the Alliance and the Ups and Downs of Jim Wells


The most curious candidate for the association?

Assembly Quests are a great way to question Stormont’s ministers, uncover amazing facts, and learn some interesting characters.

All MLAs, except for ministers and speakers, can ask a certain number of questions each week on any topic of their choice.

Oftentimes, your local representative will ask a question after a query from one of their constituents. For example, waiting times for their children’s health assessments, noisy potholes or about education in their area.

With this association taking on even greater importance in the lead up to polling, it is interesting to see which of the MLAs asked the most ministers’ questions. The numbers are telling, to say the least, because some actors use association questions much more than others.

The Belfast Telegraph toured the pooling question archive to see how many questions were asked by 80 eligible MLAs in the most recent mandate. Over the course of the semester, our curious political representatives asked 34,526 questions. So, who is asking the most?

Well, TUV leader Jim Allister topped the survey with a whopping 1,694 questions. The North Antrim Society candidate was closely followed by former DUP MLA Alex Easton—who sat as an independent at the end of the mandate period—with 1,635 inquiries.

Next came another independent trade unionist, Claire Sugden (1355 questions), and Rachel Woods of the Greens, with 1,347 questions.

To be fair to the others, Mr. Alistair was a lawyer before entering politics, so asking questions was his job.

At the bottom of the table—once removing those selected to the assembly and including only those who served the full mandate—were former UUP leader Mike Nisbet (76 questions), Sinn Féin’s Jerry Kelly (87 questions) and former Alliance MLA Trevor Lunn, who served part of his tenure as an independent and made 91 formal inquiries. interesting.

electoral earthquake

Alliance leader Naomi Long on Thursday was the latest party leader to face questioning from William Crowley on BBC Radio Ulster as we prepare to head to the polls.

As these passages became a feature of these passages, Ms. Long was asked to tell the listeners something they might not know about her.

It revealed that it was not in one place, nor two earthquakes, but three earthquakes: one in Greece, one in Chile, and another in Peru.

“I hope to be in another meeting on the fifth of May (May), albeit an electoral one,” she added.

on the money

Speaking of questions, Women’s Aid took to social media to ask three questions every potential voter should ask MLA hopefuls when they knock on your door in the lead up to May’s poll, and I have to say they’re stunned at the money.

One question is: “Will you actively lobby to ensure that any funding granted to the Northern Ireland Assembly does not return to Westminster as unspent money?”

The other thing is: “If there is no Northern Ireland Assembly in operation after the election, will you receive your full salary as legal aid?”

Finally: “Do you support increased funding for the Housing Department’s People Support Program to help support victims of domestic violence given the current cost of living crisis?”

Wales volatility?

Former DUP champion Jim Wells, who this week resigned from the party he’s been a member of for 46 years, made some interesting comments in an interview with News Letter about why he left the DUP after choosing Diane Forsyth as his assembly. Filter for South Down.

Put simply, I now know the imposed candidate much better and experience has convinced me that she is not someone I can support,” said Mr Wells.

He added that Ms Forsyth “has no experience in an elected position” and “does not share the views of many DUP voters on social issues”.

This is an interesting position, given that he strongly endorsed Diane Forsyth when she was running in the 2017 general election, increasing the party’s vote by 9%.




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