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Scientists have found evidence of an earthquake so large that it pushed humans away for 1,000 years

Scientists have found evidence of an earthquake so large that it pushed humans away for 1,000 years


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A group of archaeologists have found evidence of the largest massive earthquake in human history. A new study appearing in Science Advances reports that the newly discovered massive earthquake in Chile occurred about 3,800 years ago. The earthquake was so horrific that it abandoned neighboring coasts for nearly 1,000 years.

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This huge Chile earthquake was so terrible that people abandoned the area for more than 1,000 years

Fallen trees in the river after the earthquake

Researchers said the massive earthquake was caused by a massive rupture that lifted the region’s coast. It happened in what is now northern Chile. However, Chile’s massive earthquake caused more than just earthquakes in the region. It also caused a massive tsunami with waves up to 20 meters (66 feet) high.

Researchers believe that the tsunami caused by the massive earthquake in Chile traveled all the way to New Zealand. That’s approximately 6000 miles from the point of origin. The tsunami waves were so powerful, they shot coastal boulders the size of cars hundreds of miles inland.

This newly discovered earthquake beats the previous record for the largest earthquake ever recorded. The Valdivia earthquake occurred in 1960. At that time, records recorded a massive earthquake in southern Chile with a magnitude of between 9.4 and 9.6. The Valdivia earthquake killed up to 6,000 people and drove tsunami waves across the Pacific Ocean.

For comparison, researchers believe that Chile’s new massive earthquake had a magnitude of 9.5. The fault it created was about 620 miles long, compared to the 500-mile rift created by the Valdivia earthquake.

Challenge Beliefs

No one thought an earthquake of this magnitude was possible in the northern part of the country, says James Goff, a co-author on the new study and a geologist at the University of Southampton in England. Now, though, Goff says they have evidence that Chile’s massive earthquake occurred thousands of years ago.

The story continues

“The Atacama Desert is one of the most hostile and driest environments in the world, and it has always been difficult to find evidence of tsunamis there,” Goff explains in a statement. However, we did find evidence of marine deposits and many monsters that would have lived quietly in the sea before being dumped inland. And we found all of these things very high and far from land, so it couldn’t have been a storm that put them there.”

Coincidentally, before joining the study, Goff was in New Zealand, on the island of Chatham. There, he was studying a large number of large boulders that seemed to have been thrown hundreds of miles inland. Goff says they found that a giant earthquake in Chile of at least a magnitude of 9.5 moved the rocks. But they had no proof. With these new findings, researchers have found evidence that this massive earthquake actually exists.

While Chile’s massive earthquake drove residents away from the coast when it struck more than 3,000 years ago, the affected islands in the South Pacific were uninhabited at the time. Now the islands are popular tourist sites. A lot of people gather there.

This means that any tsunami or earthquake that strikes the region can be disastrous. As such, Goff says he hopes they can learn more of these results should something like this happen again.

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