Tremors felt in the Balkans after a 5.7 magnitude earthquake in Bosnia: injuries and property damage reported

The occurrence of earthquakes in the Balkan Peninsula is “relatively rare”.
However, tremors in the area can range from moderate to severe.
The tremors were felt by many Balkan countries after the 5.7-magnitude earthquake on Friday, April 22nd in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which resulted in many casualties and property damage.
Relief and emergency aid operations are underway.
Rare but strong earthquake
(Image: VALERY HACHE/AFP via Getty Images)
Earthquakes were recorded in North Macedonia on the morning of Monday, April 25, three days after the Sarajevo earthquake, which can be considered rare but powerful.
The earthquake has a depth of 5 km and 14 km northeast of Ljubeni in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Skopje-based seismological observatory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences announced that a new earthquake with a magnitude of 2.8 on the Richter scale was recorded in North Macedonia at 6:36 am CEST (local time) on Monday, as reported by Albanian Daily News.
Last Friday, a strong earthquake occurred near the city of Mostar in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina, damaging many properties in the city and surrounding towns, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center, Business Insurance reported.
The earthquake resulted in the death of one person and the injury of several others.
The immediate tremors caused by last week’s earthquake were also felt in several regions across the Balkan Peninsula, such as Belgrade, Serbia; Zagreb, Croatia; Skopje, North Macedonia.
There were no immediate details on whether the earthquakes had also caused casualties and damage to infrastructure in other Balkan countries.
However, earthquakes and fatal or disruptive aftershocks are still possible in the Balkan Peninsula in the coming days.
Read also: Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes Tonga coast after massive volcanic eruption
relief operations
Due to the devastating earthquake in Bosnia, Hungary sent relief and humanitarian aid to the Balkan country.
On Monday, the Hungarian Prime Minister’s Office announced that the Government’s Framework Initiative for Hungary’s Aid Program and the Hungarian NGO Interchurch Aid had dispatched 4 million forints (€10,700) in supplies, according to the Budapest Times.
The Hungarian government added that the supplies would complement the recovery of families in the quake-hit areas, notably around the southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina town of Ljubinje, as well as in Mostar.
Balkan Peninsula
The Balkans, or better known as the countries of the Balkans region in southeastern Europe, are also prone to earthquakes and seismic activities.
In addition to the mentioned countries, the Balkan Peninsula also includes the following countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro, Romania and Slovenia.
Since the 18th century, 17 earthquakes with a magnitude of more than 6.0 have been reported in the Balkans.
These earthquakes were followed by aftershocks in the following days, according to The Conversation.
The Richter scale was formulated by American seismologist Charles Francis Richter in his 1935 research paper.
Also known as the local magnitude (M) scale, which measures the intensity and magnitude of an earthquake through numerical designations.
Magnitude refers to the magnitude of an earthquake from its source and is the most common measurement of an earthquake’s extent.
In addition, the severity depends on the damage and vibration caused by the tremor.
The values also depend on the area and depth of the earthquake.
Related article: Albania earthquake death toll reaches 40
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