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NAVFAC official in charge of construction in China Lake hosts its latest project in three projects | News

NAVFAC official in charge of construction in China Lake hosts its latest project in three projects |  News


CHINA LAKE – The Naval Facility Engineering Systems (NAVFAC) Officer in Charge of Construction (OICC) hosted the final groundbreaking ceremony for the $2.7 billion earthquake recovery program on April 20, for three projects aboard the Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) Lake China.

These three projects, under a $137 million contract awarded to the Whiting-Turner Contracting Company of Baltimore, Maryland, will demolish and construct the Cast Fuel Mixture Building, the Warhead Casing Operations Facility, and the Engine Assembly Complex located within the China Lake Propulsion Laboratory/Salt District. Wells. The Salt Wells Pilot Factory was originally built in the mid-1940s and comprises a 600-acre site with 139 original buildings. The new facilities will restore research, development, testing and evaluation capabilities for the next generation of mission platforms by the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD). Construction is expected to be completed in early 2024.

OIC China Lake Construction Director Lt. Rickson Fletcher served as moderator of the ceremonies and provided welcome remarks before introducing speakers at the ceremony Capt. Laurie Scott, OIC China Lake Commanding Officer in China, Daniel Carino, Executive Director of NAWCWD, Capt. NAWS China Lake Commander. Jeremy Vaughan, Senior Vice President of Southern California Steve Likens and Deputy Mayor of Ridgecrest Solomon Rajaratnam.

“This formidable team of NAVFAC, NAWCWD and NAWS China Lake have worked with focus and purpose to build this multi-billion dollar program at a record pace over the past 19 months. Since the establishment of OICC China Lake, we have seen 22 major projects go from concept to concrete,” “This trio of projects forms the heart of NAWCWD’s production and experimentation with advanced solid-liquid materials and hybrid rocket propellants, and we are excited to work with a global contractor like Whiting-Turner to restore this diminished capacity,” said OICC Lake China Command Officer Captain Laurie Scott.

This complex represents the heart and soul of the NAWCWD China Lake Propulsion Laboratory mission, where research, development, testing and evaluation take place together. Here you see a 150-gallon mixing bowl used to mix propellants and explosives for the latest weapons – they’ve been the backbone of our business for decades. “Seeing him brings back fond memories of my early days at China Lake and gets me excited about the future capabilities this team will have,” said Daniel Carino, Executive Director of NAWCWD.

“This is our latest achievement in a historic effort to rebuild China Lake. We will be using these ceremonial scoops for the last time and in a few short months we will be using ribbon-cutting scissors to reopen this base in full capacity. I am grateful to the Navy and our nation for funding this effort. Thank you to Captain Scott and the OICC team, To all those designers, planners and engineers who spent countless hours on this project. Thank you to the contractors and partners who will work in the incredible heat and harsh conditions to get us back into the business of supporting our nation’s fighters. Captain Jeremy Vaughan, Naval Air Weapons Station Commander China Lake, Captain Jeremy said Vaughan, The Whiting-Turner Patriots and the OICC will see this project complete, helping this team ensure America’s defense.

“Whiting-Turner is really excited about expanding our relationship with the Navy on this project,” said Steve Leekens, Senior Vice President of Whiting-Turner. “We are excited to take on our part of this mission to build these facilities to restore operations with the enormous pool of subcontractors and dealers that will be joining us.”

“I had the privilege of getting to know Capt. Laurie Scott and the OICC team while attending recent ceremonies and during community and civic events. The OICC and its representatives in the Ridgecrest community have been engaged to ensure that the community is aware of current construction efforts and are available to hear our concerns affecting this tight-knit community,” he said. Ridgecrest Deputy Mayor, Solomon Rajaratnam

At the conclusion of the ceremony, participants gathered around a 150-gallon mixing bowl, used since the 1960s to create propellants, and ceremoniously inverted the glass beads used as inert fillers.

OICC China Lake was established in August 2020 to provide engineering, acquisition and implementation supervision for military construction and repair projects caused by the devastating damage caused by earthquakes of magnitude 6.4 and 7.1 that occurred on July 4 and 5, 2019.




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