It’s Richter Scale Day! (You know we have earthquakes here, right?)
(WHTM) – April 26 is the birthday of seismologist Charles Richter, co-founder with Benno Gutenberg of the Richter Scale, which measures the intensity of earthquakes.
In the early 1930s, the field of seismology (the study of earthquakes) really needed a way to measure the strength and destructive power of earthquakes. About the only measurement system available at the time was the very personal Mercalli scale, which rates earthquakes based on the effects on buildings, and how panicky people were. But in the 1920s, the first seismographs appeared, which allowed seismologists to directly measure shock waves from earthquakes and plot them on paper.
USGS: York County has two earthquakes in 24 hours
But how do you interpret the seismograph data? In 1928 Kiyoo Wadati of the Central Meteorological Observatory of Japan published a paper entitled “Shallow and Deep Earthquakes”. She compared the subsurface displacements of the Earth’s crust against the distance from the epicenter and inspired Richter and Gutenberg to create what became known as the Richter scale.
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One of the problems they encountered was compressing data to a manageable size. If they used a linear scale starting with one, two is two times stronger, three is three times stronger, and so they would have needed hundreds of levels, and they had to juggle a massive amount of zeros. Instead, they created a logarithmic scale. Each number on the Richter scale represents an earthquake ten times more powerful than the previous one. (Five is ten times stronger than four, six is ten times stronger than five, and so on.) Richter described it as a “magnitude” scale, borrowing a term from an early interest in astronomy.
The Richter scale has spread among scientists and the general public. Every time an earthquake occurs, the media will announce its intensity as “such and such on the Richter scale.” It’s one of those scientific terms that almost everyone has heard of.
A small earthquake was felt and heard all over central Pennsylvania
The strange thing is that seismologists don’t use the Richter scale anymore. The original Richter scale parameters worked best in Southern California, where both Richter and Gutenberg lived, and were less accurate elsewhere. In the 1970s, it was replaced by other magnitude scales that give more accurate readings, especially with newer, more sensitive seismographs. But they all hold to Richter and Gutenberg’s idea of measuring seismicity using a logarithmic scale, and the different scales coincide to a certain extent, so we can expect the “Richter scale” to be part of the vocabulary for a long time to come.
People in Lancaster County were hit by an earthquake of magnitude 2.3
(This area has had its share of minor earthquakes over the years; in 2020, Dover had two earthquakes in 24 hours, magnitudes 1.6 and 1.8. It has M 3.4. In 2017, Conestoga had 2.3 M. In 2010, it felt a magnitude 2.9 earthquake. degrees on both western and eastern shores.And in 2008 from October through December, the Dillsburg area had a cluster, or swarm, of 49 earthquakes, all less than a magnitude 3.0.)
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