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The breathtaking supercar aims to change the way cars are made

The breathtaking supercar aims to change the way cars are made


The Czinger 21C is a luxury supercar designed to attract car enthusiasts to social media. It has serpentine curves, is a record-breaking lap time – and will sell for $2 million.

Like Ford, Tucker, and DeLorean before him, Kevin Kzinger, founder of the fledgling auto company named after him, intends to transform the auto industry — and not just by making one-off supercars. His vision focuses on building a more environmentally and cost-effective digital automobile manufacturing system.

Manufactured from advanced data science chemistry and 3D printers, the 21C produces recyclable metal alloys that eliminate the need for tools. It’s a process developed by Divergent, also a resource that was founded and operated by Mr. Kzinger.

“When tools are digital, it gives you more leverage to design, manufacture and assemble,” he said on a video call.

Divergent technology supports vehicles in the Czinger brand. 21C is the statement car that demonstrates the flexibility of this system.

Its performance credentials are impressive as far as supercars go. The hybrid is a 2.99-liter, twin-turbocharged flat-top V-8 with electric motors on both front wheels. It produces 1,250 horsepower, a number that can be called up to 1,350 with a $165,000 upgrade package. The car runs on e85 ethanol fuel, but carbon-recycled ethanol is the preferred fuel. Top speed north of 280 mph.

In September, race driver Joel Miller set a lap record of 2:11.33 at the Circuit of the Americas at 21°C, five seconds faster than the previous record. But Mr. Kzinger’s ambitions go beyond racing the 21C, which ran 1.9 seconds from 0 to 60.

“You’re creating a new brand, so you want to make it clear why that brand exists,” he said. “If you’re going to say this is great technology and dominate performance, the best way to do it is to show it.” It will make 80 cars in two variants, a low-drag version and a high-powered version.

The 21C is the first of several high-profile vehicles planned for the Czinger portfolio, which will be sold by traditional luxury car dealers including O’Gara Coach in Southern California, Prestige Imports in Miami Beach and Pfaff Auto in Canada. The first deliveries are slated for late 2023, and Kzinger says it’s about to sell. The four-seat coupe will be revealed at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance in August.

Mr. Czinger, the youngest of five children, had been fascinated by cars since his childhood in Cleveland. Immerse yourself in a mini bike building and drag race. His two older brothers were a Chevy dealer mechanic. He attended Yale University, where he was a soccer defensive star and later earned a law degree. The work of the federal attorney general and Goldman Sachs.

In 2006, Mr. Kzinger helped found and lead Coda, a China-backed electric vehicle company in Los Angeles. Coda debuted in the US in 2012 with a compact sedan, based on the Hafei Saibao, which produced 88 electric miles. It failed to catch up with the US, and Coda filed for bankruptcy in 2013.

In 2015, Mr. Kzinger founded Divergent and displayed its first concept car, Blade, at the 2016 Auto Show circuit. It was the first car to have a 3D-printed body and chassis.

Mr. Kissinger gets the attention of the additives industry, the umbrella of the 3D printing industry.


Apr 27, 2022, 4:57 PM ET

“Other 3D companies don’t have the software, they don’t have the assembly,” said his son, Lukas Czinger, who is also the founder of the Czinger brand and runs operations and manufacturing for Divergent. . “No company can make the rear tire of a 21C.”

The differentiated adaptive production system is being used to make parts for eight car brands that the company plans to announce later in the year. Parts include front ends and rear tires, as well as integrated brake systems and suspension components. Divergent aims to work with car manufacturers to supply the fully integrated chassis.

“The supercar is an icon of what could be a fundamental change in the way we make cars,” said John Casisa, senior managing director at Guggenheim Securities and former CEO of Ford Motor Company. “If it succeeds, it will be an earthquake for the industry.

“Everything changes. Design changes. The way the software is built. You use powdered metal instead of rolled steel. You print this stuff with these fast printers, and then you assemble it with tools that don’t need repair. You can make the Ford front end and change the rear to Chrysler rear end just like that.”

Mr. Kzinger plans to build his portfolio of high-performance cars to compete with Bugattis and McLaren in the world. He points to the scenes of the intergalactic capsule races in “Star Wars: Episode One – The Phantom Menace” as inspiration. Looking at the longer term, Mr. Kzinger describes small factories in communities that allow new players to enter the auto industry at a lower cost of entry.

“The greatest dream of all,” he said, “is not just purely rational economics and ecological slashing.” “They are very small creative teams that have virtually no impediment to creating what is actually imaginable.”

Operating out of Southern California offices, Czinger and Divergent operate a plant that consists of a climate-controlled 3D-printing production facility, a vehicle sub-tire assembly room, a laboratory for dynamic and static durability testing, and additional space for crash, corrosion and environmental testing. The company acquired additional 3D printers from German company SLM Solutions as part of a joint venture.

Designing for Czinger is led by Dave O’Connell, who spent 25 years at Mitsubishi Motors and envisioned the look of the midengine 21C two-door coupe.

“I forget everything I’ve learned in my 20 years of building cars the old-fashioned way,” said Mr. O’Connell. “We can reduce the size of the structural parts to define the contours of the body, to give us more efficient aerodynamics. We don’t design for manufacture or design for manufacture. We don’t have those handcuffs.”

The speed and flexibility of digital fabrication allow for flexibility in the interior space. The passenger sits directly behind the driver, a tandem seating concept used in motorsports. “We have more shoulder room than a Mercedes S-Class,” said Mr. O’Connell. This process means that custom parts such as a steering wheel change are easier to make.

Mr. Kzinger unveiled the 21C at a London event in March 2020, the week the world went out of business. After layoffs due to Covid, it has returned to 154 employees. Its engineers and scientists have worked for Ferrari, Pagani, Boeing, Apple and Formula 1 teams. He said 37 people worked on the 21C supercar.

Sam Abuelsamid, analyst at Guidehouse Insights, described Czinger 21 as a “very specialized product, but if you can find a way to use that to get a faster cycle time for the ingredients, it can be applied,” he said.

“There is a lot of interest in this industry,” he continued. “The auto industry has been using 3D printing for a long time for prototyping parts. You can prototype things faster and do more iterations. The goal for the industry is to be able to use it for scale manufacturing.”

BMW, Ford and the Volkswagen Group are investing in additive manufacturing. But industry experts like John Hart, founder and director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Additive Technologies and Advanced Digital Production, have warned that 3D printing may have its limits.

“One of the drawbacks is the cost of 3D printing, which is more than just the casting process,” said Mr. Hart, who oversees the collaboration between the MIT Center and the automakers. “If cost is not an element, in the current case there are no factories doing 3D printing as a service at the scale needed to support the auto industry yet.”

Mr. Casisa first met Mr. Changer when he was running Cuda. “I thought he was a genius, an interesting man with a lot of humility,” said Mr Casesa, who had visited the Divergent plant twice. “Despite all this talk about 4.0 and industrial 3-D printing, it’s a real thing, and it’s not yet understood.”




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