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US Nuclear Energy Agency seeks employee certification to protect NuScale from earthquake

US Nuclear Energy Agency seeks employee certification to protect NuScale from earthquake


WASHINGTON, April 27 (Reuters) – An official at the US Nuclear Regulatory Authority has ordered employees to provide them with documents that could lead to a review of 2020 approval for a new type of nuclear power reactor after an engineer raised concerns about its resilience. Wednesday’s documents showed the earthquakes.

Dan Dorman, Executive Director of Operations at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), reviewed a complaint from John Ma, an engineer at the agency, about its approval of the NuScale nuclear power plant design.

NuScale, majority owned by construction and engineering firm Fluor Corp (FLR.N), which won approval to design a 50-megawatt small modular reactor (SMR), hopes to build the carbon-neutral power project with multiple reactors in Idaho. The National Laboratory, which will be operational for the first time in 2029 and fully operational in 2030.

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Some see SMRs like NuScale as a way to cut emissions from fossil fuels and reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian oil and gas. NuScale also wants to build factories in Poland and Kazakhstan.

In an internal document Ma wrote to NRC officials shortly after the 2020 approval, he argued that the building’s design intended to enclose the reactor units and its spent fuel pool did not provide a guarantee that it could withstand the largest earthquake considered without collapsing and might be at risk. to smaller earthquakes.

“The collapse of the reactor building … could cause an early and large release of radioactive material into the atmosphere and ground, which could kill people,” Ma wrote.

Documents published on the NRC website on Wednesday showed Dorman wrote to Ma in February that he had concluded that the NRC’s basis for accepting the NuScale dynamometer for the reactor building’s design was “insufficiently documented.”

Dorman instructed the agency’s Nuclear Reactor Regulatory Office to document its evaluation of the NuScale “medium stress approach” and, if necessary, to update the application and to assess whether there were “any impacts” on design approval for 2020.

It was uncertain whether the additional actions would affect the schedule for the project, which was delayed several times.

Scott Purnell, a spokesman for the Norwegian Refugee Council, played down the move saying Dorman wanted staff there to better document their work in protecting the reactor from the earthquake. “The bottom line is that approval of the agency’s standard design is still valid for the NuScale 50 MW/unit design,” he said in an email.

Dorman did not respond to a request for comment.

Diane Hughes, NuScale’s vice president of marketing and communications, said NRC’s consideration of professional opinions like MA’s is “an important part of a strong nuclear safety culture.”

“The durability of the NuScale structures is one aspect that makes the NuScale SMR the safest design ever approved by the NRC,” she said.

A science advocacy group said the concerns he raised were not worrisome.

“The study of NuScale’s work is based on its assertion that it is a safer nuclear reactor. Now is the time to prove it by addressing these safety concerns,” said Edwin Lyman, director of nuclear energy safety at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

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(Reporting by Timothy Gardner) Editing by Chris Reese, Kenneth Maxwell and Lisa Shumaker

Our Standards: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.




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