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Panic as people fled jagged buildings in the 1990 earthquake that shook North Wales

Panic as people fled jagged buildings in the 1990 earthquake that shook North Wales


A large earthquake with its epicenter near North Wales caused buildings to sway, furniture to move and people to flee into the streets in panic across Britain. The 1990 earthquake, felt as far afield as Scotland and Ireland, caused thousands of office workers to evacuate and drinkers to flee pubs.

The earthquake measured 5.1 on the Richter scale – one of the highest records in Britain in the 20th century. Despite the shock waves, miraculously, there were no reports of injuries. The ground began shaking after 2.45 pm and lasted up to 30 seconds in some areas.

Now known as the 1990 Bishop’s Castle (Shropshire) earthquake, the epicenter was initially thought to have been in Wrexham. “They released the needles from the top of the machines,” said one expert.

Further Read: Stroll The Streets, Markets And Landmarks Of 1970s Wrexham

The earthquake shattered windows in Wrexham and caused chimneys to fall to the ground as plaster fell from walls in homes. At nearby Molde, two trials before Crown Court had to be halted as the building was vacated.

Shoppers in Pwllheli reported that food boxes smashed to the floor when shock waves rattled supermarkets. In the Midlands, the Daily Mirror reported that mothers ran into the street with their babies in their arms, fearing a bomb would explode.

Barbara Jordan, who lived in Shrewsbury near the Welsh border, gave a vivid account after the earthquake. “I was really shocked,” she said. “Things started falling off the shelves and crashing.

Cardiff office staff were evacuated and the building was inspected for cracks after the earthquake shook offices and alarms were activated (Photo: Reach Content Archive)

“The furniture started moving and I thought the house was about to collapse. A lot of women ran with their children to the street to see what was going on.”

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With many long term fault systems in Wales, it is an area of ​​regular active ground motion. Some people may be surprised to learn that at least 16 major earthquakes have occurred in Wales over the past century.

Just six years ago, an earthquake stronger than the Menai Strait of magnitude 5.4 on the Richter scale was the UK’s largest land-based event for more than 100 years. The epicenter was in North Lin and the earthquake occurred at a depth of about 22 km in the earth’s crust.

Wrexham’s Peter Hincher looks at the damage caused to his £10,000 Rover when bricks smashed onto it in the aftermath of an earthquake in 1990 (Photo: Reach Content Archive)

To put the strength of the 1990 earthquake in context, in February 1994, a magnitude 2.9 earthquake was measured at Bangor. Residents described hearing a loud rumble that shook the houses and the ground.

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In June 2013, the Llyn Peninsula earthquake hotspot produced a 3.8-magnitude rumble that was felt as far away as Merseyside, the Isle of Man and Galway in Ireland. The epicenter was under the Irish Sea, eight miles from Abersoch, where it is reported to have gripped homes in a “severe tremor”.




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