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Calculated dates of past Kekerengu faults can help identify past multiple fault earthquakes

Calculated dates of past Kekerengu faults can help identify past multiple fault earthquakes
Calculated dates of past Kekerengu faults can help identify past multiple fault earthquakes


The researchers calculated the Kikengo fault, which slipped further during the Kaikoura earthquake, rupturing at the surface on average every 375 years.

They worked to determine the ages of earthquakes prior to the rift by carbon-dating samples from trenches dug through the rift, and from an ancient fissure that reopened during the 2016 magnitude 7.8 Kaikoura event. They also took into account previous work related to the error.

A research paper on the study said that the detailed timeline provided by the new research may be of value to future studies aimed at understanding the seismic behavior of the Marlboro fault system as a whole.

For example, it may be useful to conduct studies to explore the possibility of other earthquakes prior to the Kaikoura earthquake, which involved the rupture of several faults, including the Kekerengu.

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Julian Thompson/Staff

Geologists inspect a section of the Kekerengu fault in coastal Marlborough in November 2016. Among the faults ruptured during the Kaikoura earthquake, the largest horizontal displacement of 12 metres resulted.

Or, if the faults did not travel at the same time, those earthquakes that closely spaced apart in time may have arisen as a result of stress interactions between the Kikringo fault and other nearby structures, such as the Hope and Weiraraba fault, the study said.

The Kekerengu fault has been an important source of local and regional seismic hazards, and the implications for rhythm and activity on the fault have been far-reaching, including in the Wellington area.

Philippa Morris, who worked on the study as part of work towards a master’s degree at Victoria University, said several researchers from a range of universities and other institutions are studying the area’s flaws.

They were trying to get a good record of the activity related to the malfunctions, and trying to find out if the past events were related.

“There’s a lot of calibration going on to try to tie more errors together in history,” Morris said.

“It appears that the defects can go off on their own, too. But sometimes their sequences seem to break apart,” she said.

gns / stuff

Damage to a farm due to Kekerengu fault.

“Most fault systems linked like this together, will transmit some amount of stress when one of them ruptures, so even if it’s not in one event, it will push pressure on nearby faults, potentially pushing them closer to rupture in the future.”

In some cases, Morris said, it has been difficult to link events to various errors due to a lack of accuracy in dating past events.

The researchers at the Kekerengu Fault were lucky to find a great deal of coal, which was one of the best materials for carbon dating.

Researchers at some other disadvantage didn’t have charcoal to help them, and their dating of the events wasn’t clear.

The Wairarapa error was included in the paper, to show that pressure might have moved north to it, but it wasn’t clear if that happened, Morris said.

GNS Science / YouTube

Drone video of the Kekerengu fault published by GNS Science shortly after the Kaikoura earthquake in November 2016.

The researchers calculated the last surface-rupturing earthquake in the Kikringo fault, before the Kaikoura earthquake, which occurred about 320 to 180 years ago.

Before that there was an earthquake between about 600 and 430 years ago, before that there was an earthquake about 1320 to 1000 years ago, and before that between about 1740 and 1280 years ago.

There was an older earthquake between 2370 and 1940 years ago. The age of this event was calculated by dating coal samples taken from an old fissure that reopened during the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake.

Taking into account the 2016 event and the most recent of the five oldest earthquakes, the researchers estimated that there was a surface rupture in the Kikringo fault on average every 375 years, plus or minus 32 years.

This account differed by only one year from the dating published in 2018. This previous work included the Kaikoura earthquake and the oldest three of the previous five earthquakes.

GNSS Science

The Kekerengu fault ruptured during the 2016 KaikÃ… ura earthquake

When the oldest of the previous five events was included in the calculation of the frequency of superficial ruptures in the Kekerengu fault, the average gap between events widened to 433 years, plus or minus 22.

But the study also raised the possibility of one earthquake, or possibly more, between the oldest identified event and the next known event.

About 20 faults in the Marlboro fault system ruptured over a length of about 180 kilometers during the Kaikoura earthquake in November 2016, the study said, in an unusually complex and multiple fault sequence.

The Kikengo fault – near the east coast in the north of the South Island – slid more than eight meters horizontally over much of its length, and slid as much as 12 meters in places, during the Kaikoura earthquake. This was among the five largest surface displacements recorded anywhere in the world during the earthquake.

Morris said that Kekerengu was not one of the major faults in the Marlborough fault system, unlike the Hope Fault, which was one of the primary faults in the system. The Hope Fault and three other major faults associated with the Alpine Rift.


The map shows the Kekerengu fault, which continues outside as a needle fault

The study said that the main source of slip into the Kikringo fault during earthquakes appears to have moved indirectly from the Hope fault to the southwest.

The Hope fault had the highest rate of slip of the four primary faults in the Marlboro system, averaging 23 mm plus or minus 4 mm per year, accounting for most of the slip from the Alpine fault.

The study said the four most recent pre-Kikringo earthquakes on the Kikringo fault, overlapping with other earthquakes in the Hope and Alpine fault, suggest that the Kikringo fault may often erupt in close sequence with other major faults, or at the same time.

The Kekerengu fault does not appear to have ruptured alone in the past 2000 years, but dating inaccuracies, combined with the short recurrence time (~300–500 years) of the Kekerengu, Alpine, and Hope faults made strong differentiation of individual events not possible.

The oldest event in the Kekerengu Fault documented in the study appears to overlap with age with events at both Grassmere Lake and Wairarapa Fault, indicating a new event and an older potential complex than previously identified.




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