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‘People are trying to silence our voice’

‘People are trying to silence our voice’


ATLANTA, GA – JANUARY 02: The Earthquake comedian performed the show on stage during the 2022 Laughter Comedy Festival at State Farm Arena on January 02, 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images); CLEVELAND, Ohio – OCTOBER 30: Dave Chappelle speaks on stage during the 36th Annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction party at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse on October 30, 2021 in Cleveland, Ohio. (Photo by Demetrius Kambouris/Getty Images for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame)

Baras Griffin/Getty Images; Demetrius Kambouris/Getty Images

The Earthquake comedian weighs in on the events that unfolded during the set of Dave Chappelle at Netflix’s Is a Joke Festival Tuesday night.

Earthquake, 58, also performed on Tuesday, in which Chappelle was attacked by a man who rushed onto the stage.

In a statement to PEOPLE, Earthquake said, “It was a great night, an epic night. The line-up was great and got together with everyone on the show. The festival itself was the first time comedians got together in complete diversity.”

Sharing details of the attack and greeting Chappelle’s response, Earthquake adds: “We were about to make a curtain call and this guy treated Dave like he was playing with the rams!, but they didn’t stop. The night passed. Dave handled it like a pro. He’s one of the greatest human beings whom I have met in my life. I have known him for 30 years. He is a master of his craft.”

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“It all amounts to this: People are really trying to silence our voices,” Earthquake says.

The incident occurred near the end of Chappelle’s performance when a man in a black jacket rushed onto the stage at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, People confirmed Wednesday.

The man seemed to push Chappelle and knock him to the ground. Then the attacker tried to escape, but were stopped by security guards and members of Chappelle’s team. The comedian or his security team was injured.

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Police have identified the alleged attacker as 23-year-old Isaiah Lee and charged Lee with the felony assault with a deadly weapon, People confirmed. He is being held in the custody of the Hollywood Department of the Los Angeles Police Department for $30,000. It was not immediately clear if he had appointed a lawyer.

The story continues

Deal or No Deal host and fellow comedian Howie Mandel also shared his thoughts on the attack with Extra’s Billy Bush on Wednesday.

“That blow…no pun intended…that blow so deep,” Mandel, 66, said, adding later, “Watching what happened to Dave last night confirmed my fear. I was kind of watching it on air.” Live on Twitter I turned to my wife and I said, “I don’t want to. I don’t want to go on stage. I’m just really scared.””

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When asked by Bush Mandel, who currently hosts Bullsh*t: The Game Show on Netflix, what his plans are for future comedy tours, the game show host responded in part, “The love for what we do is fading away…joking now has no net safety.”

RELATED VIDEO: Dave Chappelle attacked on stage during Netflix’s Joke Festival in Los Angeles

The America’s Got Talent judge continued, “I’d actually do a little more because Love wasn’t as passionate as it was, you know…six months ago.” “Because fear transcends…and I’m a guy who, you know, lives anxiously anyway…I’ve been open about my mental health. I’m neurotic. I suffer from depression.”

The attack comes five weeks after Will Smith slapped Chris Rock in the face at the 2022 Academy Awards, after the comedian mocked Jada Pinkett Smith’s throat. (Pinkett Smith, 50, has been open about living with hair loss.)

Rock, 57, was also on the Tuesday night show and gave a show early in the evening. Rock sets off to work to help Chappelle and says after the accident, “I thought it was Will Smith!” People confirmed that Chappelle also finished his group telling Smith jokes.




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