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Keep these items in your car in case of emergency

Keep these items in your car in case of emergency
Keep these items in your car in case of emergency


Salt Lake City – What do you need in your car in an emergency? An expert jot down a list of things to keep in your car or truck when the unexpected happens.

Here are the three most important items to keep in your car, according to

water in 2-liter flasks (34 full to allow freezing to expand); Rotate the water every six months. Cut food/energy, candy, dried fruits, nuts, etc.; Rotate food regularly. Blankets (can be Mylar) or sleeping bag, coat(s) or jacket(s), raincoat, boots/gloves, warm and work gloves. Read the list of other recommended items to have in your car for emergencies.

In addition to the three absolutes, highly recommends packing these items into your vehicle’s emergency preparedness kit.

Crossing Cables Flares or Snow Scraper Reflective Triangle Car Mobile Phone Charger Map Blanket Cat Litter or Sand (to improve tire traction) Welcome to the show

Wade Mathews, Utah Department of Emergency Management, explains what items you need and why. Join KSL NewsRadio’s Debbie Dujanovic and guest host Taylor Morgan.

Do you need to have everything on the list in your car or truck?

“Well, let me start by saying, first of all these are suggestions. We expect people to do their best with what you have” and what you can afford, Matthews said.

“Why do I need disposable gloves?” Debbie asked.

“If you are trying to provide first aid to someone, you want to take precautionary action. You want to wear rubber gloves,” Matthews said, adding: “Carry sunglasses, eyeglasses, or safety glasses in your car to protect your eyes from bodily fluids or other emergencies.”

Prepare for emergencies in winter and summer

Rotate items in and out of the car, depending on the season, such as sand, cat litter, and snowmelt in the warmer months.

Offer your emergency vehicle kit like car insurance, a fire extinguisher, or a winch and spare tire, Matthews said; You hope you don’t have to use it, but you’re glad you have it when you do.

“Give me the three most important things you want to see in our emergency car can?” Debbie asked.

Matthews said:

Water flashlight first aid kit What is your emergency item?

“I keep a headlight in my car. This has come in handy many times,” Morgan said.

While driving, Debbie got lost once and was out of range to activate her mobile phone.

“Personally, I love taking solo road trips,” Debbie said. “I had a discussion with my kids two years ago about the importance of carrying paper maps.”

Don’t forget this tip: keep your gas tank full in case of an evacuation or a power outage. A full tank will also keep the fuel line from freezing.

Be prepared Utah:

How families should prepare for emergencies at home or outside

Dave and Dujanovic’s voice can be heard seven days a week from 9 a.m. to noon. On KSL NewsRadio. Users can find the program on the KSL NewsRadio website and app, as well as Apple Podcasts and Google Play.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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