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A new bridge opens in the Red Zone to replace the twisted asset damaged by the earthquake

A new bridge opens in the Red Zone to replace the twisted asset damaged by the earthquake


Peter Meacham / Stuff

The new Medway St pedestrian bridge is now officially open. Replaces pedestrian bridge that was badly damaged during the Christchurch earthquakes.

A new bridge has opened in Christchurch’s Red Zone, replacing the earthquake-damaged twisting bridge that has become a symbol of the destructive power of earthquakes.

The Medway St pedestrian bridge opened last week and an official ceremony was held on Friday morning.

Many people have questioned the feasibility of rebuilding the bridge, but it has already proven popular, said Haile Goglita, director of the Avon-Ōtākaro Network.

“I’m there every day and there are people who walk their dogs, ride bikes through them, and use them as bits.”

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Before the earthquake, the bridge connected the communities of Avonside and Richmond.

Guglietta said he was very pleased to see the new bridge, saying it “is coming a long time ago.”

Kirk Hargreaves / Things

The old bridge as it looked in 2013.

The bridge is the second of three pedestrian bridges to be built in the Atakaru Avon River Gorge.

Council Parks Chief, Andrew Routledge, said the new bridge will reconnect across the river that has been absent since the earthquakes.

During the February 2011 earthquake, the pedestrian bridge was severely deformed and twisted. The damage it sustained made it a symbol of how devastating earthquakes can be.

In 2013, the bridge was cut into three parts and removed. It was then stored at Ferrymead Heritage Park.

Peter Meacham / Stuff

The bridge was funded by a grant from the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Fund.

One section has since returned to the bridge site and has been installed on the riverbank as a monument.

There is a long-standing ambition to reunite the bridge’s three pieces as a permanent piece of art to serve as a reminder, Guglietta said.

“So watch this space,” she said.

“It might be a while before we can unite the three pieces, but I think it would be a really great way to do something funky and cool.”

Peter Meacham / Stuff

Residents of Midway St. Ricky and Viv Manuel on the new Medway St. pedestrian bridge on Friday.

One piece of the bridge is still in Ferrymead Heritage Park while another piece is being used on a mini golf course downtown.

Guglietta said she is grateful to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Fund for investing the money in the bridge.

“It’s really important for our communities around Atakaru,” she said.

“I’m glad they thought big and put it into some great pieces that will really benefit a lot of people.”

The fund provided a $13.7 million grant that will be used to deliver three new bridges (including Medway St One) and a riverside landing in the Red Zone.

A bridge opened at Avondale River and Dallington in March.




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