Political earthquake in Northern Ireland as Sinn Fein emerges as largest party
Sinn Fein made political history after its emergence as the largest party in Northern Ireland.
After years of falling behind its rival, the Democratic Unionist Party, with whom it shares power, the nationalist party has now emerged on top with the potential to change the political landscape in Northern Ireland.
Its position as the largest party means that a vote on Irish reunification is now highly likely.
The results: Sinn Fein, the former political wing of the Irish Republican Army who supports the reunification of Ireland, won 27 seats which means that, numerically, he cannot defeat the DUP.
The results mean Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill – who has served as deputy prime minister since 2020 – should be appointed as first minister, a position the DUP has held for two decades.
That means Sinn Féin is now officially the biggest party in Stormont for the first time ever – they haven’t dropped a seat in 5 years ago https://t.co/tE7wjdpV7m
— Jane McCormack (@BBCJayneMcC) May 7, 2022
Under Northern Ireland’s power-sharing system, the functions of the first minister and deputy first minister are divided between the largest union party and the largest nationalist party. Both positions must be filled for the government to function.
The position of first minister has the same constitutional weight as the deputy position, but the change to Sinn Fein represents a symbolic shift in Northern Ireland policy and may lead to questions about the intensification of Irish reunification.
However, under the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, it is up to the British government to call a referendum if it believes a “yes” majority appears likely on both sides of the border. Opinion polls have consistently shown that most voters in Northern Ireland favor the status quo.
The DUP has already suggested that it may not be willing to act under First Minister Sinn Féin, a situation that would plunge Northern Ireland into more uncertainty and would almost certainly guarantee another election.
O’Neill used her official victory speech on Saturday afternoon to send a message to the DUP.
She said voters want politicians to work on everyday issues, such as healthcare waiting lists and the rising cost of living.
And that’s why we should all be here on Monday,” O’Neill said.
“That’s why on Monday, there’s an urgent need to get my executive back and start putting money back in people’s pockets, to start reforming the health service. People can’t wait.
“I will be leading my team to Stormont on Monday. People have told us during this election that they expect us to work together. People are right.”
One notable factor in the DUP’s decline in this year’s election is largely attributable to dissatisfaction with Brexit and the Northern Ireland Protocol, which has led to scrutiny of some goods entering Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK, disrupting trade.
This was a historic election.
The election of real change.
I’ll be driving Team Sinn Féin to Stormont on Monday, ready to run as CEO right away.
To put money in people’s pockets.
To invest in our health services.
To build a better future for all pic.twitter.com/orrFtCIVwl
– Michelle O’Neill (@monillsf) May 7, 2022
This arrangement was designed to maintain an open border between Northern Ireland and the Republic, which is still a member of the European Union.
It was essential to respect the peace process and prevent the need for a hard border on the island of Ireland, but some unionists believe it creates a barrier with the rest of the United Kingdom and undermines their British identity.
The DUP has also said it will refuse to join a new government unless there are major changes to border arrangements after Brexit under the Northern Ireland Protocol.
In February, Paul Gevan of the DUP resigned as Prime Minister in protest of the protocol, which meant that O’Neill also automatically lost her position.
Reflecting on his party’s performance shortly after his re-election in the Lagan Valley, DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson said one of the “key messages… is that unionism simply cannot tolerate the divisions that exist”.
“The Democratic Union is playing a big role in the game at the moment,” he added.
I made it clear that we need the government to take decisive action on the protocol. Words are not enough.”
Michelle O’Neill interacts with part leader Mary Lou MacDonald, after sorting at the Magherafelt Meadowbank Sports Center in Magherafelt, Co Londonderry, on May 7, 2022.
Paul Faith via Getty Images
Northern Ireland Minister Brandon Lewis encouraged the parties to set up an executive “as soon as possible”.
He said: “The people of Northern Ireland deserve a stable and accountable local government that deals with the issues that matter most to them.
Voters handed out a number of messages on Thursday. They have been clear that they want a fully functioning devolved government in Northern Ireland, they want the issues around protocol to be addressed, and they want the policy to work better.”
Northern Ireland’s shadow minister, Peter Kyle, said his party could act as an “honest broker”.
Congratulation to the new council members, he said: “It is good for Northern Ireland that parties from either congregation can nominate a first minister and show the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement is working.
“Union will continue to have a strong voice in power-sharing and calls have been heard for progress on the remaining issues of the protocol and should not prevent a return to the executive branch.
“The government must now prioritize practical solutions through negotiation with the EU and not chase the headlines with empty threats.”
Sources 2/ https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/northern-ireland-sinn-fein-emerges-as-largest-party_uk_627522f1e4b046ad0d7b3f4f The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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