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Pahala deep earthquake swarm update

Pahala deep earthquake swarm update


USGS: “HVO field crews deployed a dense network of temporary seismic instruments at Kīlauea Summit on January 1, 2021, courtesy of Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. The temporary instruments complement data already collected by HVO’s permanent earthquake network and will help track the transmission and storage of magma In a shallow volcanic plumbing system beneath the Kīlauea summit surface. HVO field crews arrived at the dropped block formed during the 2018 Kīlauea summit collapse events via helicopter in order to deploy two temporary seismic instruments there.” (USGS J. Chang photo)

(BIVN) — The persistent swarm of earthquakes deep in the Pahala region of Hawaii’s Kai District is the topic of this week’s Volcano Watch article, written by USGS Hawaii scientists for Volcano and its affiliates.

From USGS:

The deep city of Pahala is located in the southern part of the island of Hawaii, and is currently the most seismically active area in the Hawaiian Islands. Locals and frequent deep earthquakes (greater than 20 km or 12 miles below sea level) are regularly felt by locals and, at times, people all over the island.

However, the current level of activity has not always been common in the area, and USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) researchers are interested in trying to understand more about why this is happening.

Until 2015, an average of 7 deep earthquakes occurred under the Pahala each week. By 2015, the number of earthquakes had nearly quadrupled, with approximately 34 events occurring per week. By the spring of 2019, the average number of weekly earthquakes identified in this region had increased nearly 70-fold, compared to pre-2015 rates. This high rate of seismic activity, with several hundred earthquakes occurring in an average week, has persisted until the time the present.

USGS: “Map (complete) comparing two months of earthquake activity in the deep sub-Pāhala region from (a) March 1, 2014 to May 1, 2014, and (b) March 1, 2022 to May 1, 2022. Earthquake locations are marked with depth-colored circles; indicate The blue circles indicate earthquakes that occurred 20-40 kilometers (12-25 miles) below sea level.”

Since August 2020, larger earthquakes have begun to occur in the depths of the Pahala region. Eight earthquakes of magnitude 4.2 to 4.6 were recorded at a depth of 31-34 km (19-21 miles). These large events have been reported felt by people on the island of Hawaii as well as the nearby Hawaiian Islands.

HVO, in collaboration with the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), will begin an investigation this summer to learn more about the nature of these frequent deep earthquakes under the southern part of the island of Hawaii.

Previous geophysical studies hypothesized that earthquake activity deep under the Pahala region may be related to magma transport in hot spots and/or faulting of the brittle upper mantle below the island. Interestingly, the area of ​​high seismic activity is located approximately equal distances from the peaks of the three most active volcanoes in Hawaii: Kolawea, Mauna Loa and Kamaihoakanaloa (Sea Mount Lehi).

Whether this area has a possible connection to the shallow magma storage and transport systems at Kīlauea or Mauna Loa is unclear, but there are no clear indications of magma moving from this area to the surface. Previous studies relied on data collected from the region’s widely spaced permanent seismometers, which were not configured to study this region in detail.

This summer, HVO and UHM scientists – funded by the Disaster Relief Act 2019 (HR 2157) supplemental supplemental funds – will be cruising through the Pāhala region, deploying tools called seismic nodes that will help us understand why these earthquakes occur. Seismic nodes are light, compact seismometers that measure ground vibration at the location in which they are placed.

In contrast to permanent seismic stations, which are placed far from each other and cover the entire island of Hawaii, temporary seismic nodes will be tightly grouped in order to more intensely record seismic signals across the area around Pahala. For two months, these nodes will record Earth’s shaking caused by shallow and deep earthquakes across the island of Hawaii as well as distant earthquakes from around the world.

Dense-spaced nodal instruments that record earthquakes at a wide range of depths and locations during this experiment will collect seismic data from beneath the Pahala region with unprecedented accuracy. Seismologists at HVO and UHM will analyze data collected from these seismic nodes to create images of the Earth’s structure under Pāhala from 40 to 50 km (25-31 mi) below sea level all the way to the surface.

The data and images will be used to precisely locate earthquakes in this region, and hopefully determine or constrain the locations and distributions of shallow and deep fault zones and potential magma paths within the region. Together, the results will help us understand the cause of frequent seismic activity deep in the area below the Pahala.

We plan to share the results of this project after the data has been processed. In the meantime – if you’re in the Bahala region this summer, please pay attention to the seismic nodes that record valuable data to help HVO shed light on the mystery of recurring seismic activity in the depths below.




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