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Whitecaps rally late to tie with Earthquakes

Whitecaps rally late to tie with Earthquakes


Vancouver – The Vancouver Whitecaps twice fought back, uniting with the San Jose Earthquakes in the second half with six goals and both teams splitting the spoils.

Vancouver – The Vancouver Whitecaps twice fought back, uniting with the San Jose Earthquakes in the second half with six goals and both teams splitting the spoils.

Eric Godoy scored the equalizer in the 90th minute after a corner kick from Debre Caicedo and found the middle clear of his mark, sending 15,087 fans at PC Place screaming in celebration.

“I think it was a fair result because the match was very difficult,” the defender said after the match.

Godoy barely celebrated his goal, and immediately returned about half of his field to prepare to defend.

White Caps coach Fanny Sartini said his team was “naive” for the way they conceded goals, but added the burden of playing a third game in short succession with his side.

Two of San Jose’s goals came in transfer matches where Vancouver players were caught pushing the field to score.

“We were lucky. I don’t think we deserved to be 0-0 in the first half. I think they were the better team,” he said after the match. “We couldn’t find the distance with the third game in six days and that was a factor.”

Jeremy Ibobisi scored two goals for San Jose (2-5-4) with the second, and the third in an earthquake, after Christian Espinosa beat Vancouver defender Jake Nerwinsky and found his unmarked teammate six yards away.

The two goals mean Ibobisi is the first Earthquakes player since Chris Wondolowski to make three multi-goal games in one season.

The second-half streak of goals overshadowed a sluggish performance for both sides in the first half, as San Jose dominated possession but failed to do much with the ball.

Earthquakes finished with 61 percent possession and 15 shots on target with Vancouver scoring 16 shots.

Lucas Cavallini opened the scoring for Vancouver (2-6-2) and turned into a provider to score the second goal.

Defending midfielder Florian Jeungwirth took a quick free kick after Cavallini’s foul in the Vancouver half, finding Ryan Raposo open on the left wing. Raposo cut inside, and raced to Cavallini who played a quick two-way with his fellow Canadian before slicing the ball away from the goalkeeper’s outstretched left arm.

Cavallini said after the match that he could not remember the goal and played down the praise of Sartini, who described the striker’s performance as “the best match he’s played for the Whitecaps.”

“I feel better every game,” he said with a smile. “I would have said it was my best match if we got three points.”

It didn’t take San Jose long to equalize, as Espinosa found space on the right side and hit a cross to awaited Gameiro Montero to calmly shake into the equalizing net.

Vancouver’s attack was halted in the 73rd minute, as San Jose forward Cady Coyle broke free from his defender and made a pass in front of Ibubisi’s goal to put it wide.

But Caps found a quick equalizer as Cavallini turned provider. The Canadian international ran off the left wing with a cross from inside to find the free Debre Caicedo, who pushed a pass into the path of Raposo who smashed it into the net.

Cavallini had the chance to score the winner only to see his header in the final seconds of overtime hit the post and bounce away.

“We haven’t given up and that’s the spirit we want to see,” Sartini said.

The ‘Caps’ had won back-to-back times before Saturday’s game, including ending a jinx in the Canadian Championship with a win over Valor FC.

San Jose came into the game after beating Austin FC and winning the US Open Cup over the Seattle Sounders.

Next Vancouver plays FC Dallas on Wednesday night at BC Place, while San Jose plays Portland in San Jose, California.

This report was first published by The Canadian Press on May 14, 2022.

Nick Wells, The Canadian Press




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