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Christchurch’s new bridge was destroyed by “fools” within days of its opening

Christchurch’s new bridge was destroyed by “fools” within days of its opening


John Kirk Anderson/Staff

Christchurch local Tony Asquith has been waiting years for the new Midway Street bridge to open, disappointed to see it vandalized within days.

Tony Asquith waited years for a new bridge in Christchurch’s red zone after the old bridge was destroyed in the 2011 earthquakes, but it only took a few days before the new bridge was damaged as well.

Asquith was “completely disgusted” when he found the Midway Street Bridge vandalized during one of his regular runs around the red last week.

The original bridge became a symbol of the 2011 earthquakes after being twisted and buckled by the vibrations.

The new bridge opened on May 6, but “idiots have already visited” and covered it with graffiti in a few days.

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Kirk Hargreaves / Things

The Midway Street Bridge in Avonside was dismantled after it was twisted in the February 22, 2011 earthquake.

“I can’t understand the mentality of some people,” Asquith said.

Andrew Routledge, Christchurch City Council Chairman, said the council was deeply disappointed by the vandalism.

“Unfortunately, graffiti is an ongoing challenge for all buildings accessible to the public,” he said.

Asquith said the graffiti robbed the area’s “wonderful wilderness.”

John Kirk Anderson/Staff

City Council Parks President Andrew Rutledge says graffiti is an ongoing challenge.

He said he spoke to several local residents who were also looking forward to the opening of the new bridge.

The Medway St Bridge is one of three new pedestrian and bicycle bridges built in the Ōtākaro Avon River Gorge.

The other two are at Snell Place and a new riverside landing in Dallington.

The bridges were funded by a $13.7 million grant from the Christchurch Earthquake Land Appeal Fund.

John Kirk Anderson/Staff

Graffiti on the newly opened Medway St Foot Bridge over the Avon River.

The designs were revealed in 2020, and work began last year.

All three will provide cross connections to neighboring communities and anyone else using the area.

The council’s residential red area manager, Dave Little, said the Snell Place Bridge will officially open on May 27 after a minor opening the previous week when the site fences are removed.

All bridges are designed with anti-graffiti paint, Routledge said, meaning removing marks was “relatively easy” with a cleaning product and water.

He said the job has been registered with a contractor and the drawings on the Midway Street bridge will be removed soon.




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