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‘Charles Barkley lost $2 million in two nights, at a roulette table’: Earthquake comedian tells story of Chuck’s misery in Vegas

‘Charles Barkley lost  million in two nights, at a roulette table’: Earthquake comedian tells story of Chuck’s misery in Vegas
‘Charles Barkley lost  million in two nights, at a roulette table’: Earthquake comedian tells story of Chuck’s misery in Vegas


There are many successful athletes who have gone bankrupt after retiring from their sport, Charles Barkley is a vivid example of how to stop and actually start down this path.

Comedian Nathaniel Martin Stroma recently appeared on NFL legend Shannon Sharp’s “Club Shay Shay” and shared his life experiences that can be a lesson to many about money matters.

The legendary comedian, dubbed Earthquake, began by explaining the difference between “break up” and “debt.”

“Break just means you don’t have money. Debt means that even if you do get some money, you should always give it to another muf**kah.”

yes? Well, thank you, sir. He told another well-known, but funny and surprising fact, about a certain legendary basketball player who saw him smoke two million dollars before his eyes in Vegas.

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EarthQuick shares how Charles Barkley lost $2 million in two nights

By the time anyone mentions a major basketball player loss to gambling or golf, most of us know it’s Charles Barkley. We’ve heard him lose a lot of money gambling over the years but this story of two million people losing at a roulette table in Vegas is just crazy. So, let’s hear it again from Quake.

Earthquake on the lesson he learned watching Charles Barkley lose a million dollars in Vegas two nights in a row

— Shannon Sharpe (@ShannonSharpe) May 17, 2022

His honest opinion of Sir Charles being funnier than Shaquille O’Neal illustrates who the life of the best sports talk show in the world is.

Turner Sports is doing its best to get backups in Draymond Green, Dwyane Wade, Candace Parker, Jamal Crawford and a few others ready before The Round Mound of Rebounds retires from the show for good. But even all of them combined wouldn’t match the level of humor Chuck brings every night.

Also read: “Shack, you and Kobe Bryant were supposed to win more championships!”: When legend Charles Barkley and Lakers get into a heated argument over Big Diesel’s time in Los Angeles

We’ll see how true the earthquake is once Chuck tries it again, which isn’t too far off if you believe the guy himself. Showcasing Quake’s latest comedy special on Netflix, “Chappelle’s Home Team – Earthquake: Legendary” will show you a glimpse of his on-stage greatness.




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