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CSUN Prepares For The Next Big Earthquake – The Daily Sundial

CSUN Prepares For The Next Big Earthquake – The Daily Sundial
CSUN Prepares For The Next Big Earthquake – The Daily Sundial


The Daily Titan has claimed that many California State University campuses are not ready for the next big earthquake, based on a series of audits conducted by the CSU system from 2016 to 2020. However, CSUN managers believe they are.

A CSUN audit was released in 2020 and showed that the school’s emergency management program did not meet system-wide guidelines.

Once the audit was issued, CSUN emergency director Lisa Curtis said the school made changes to its emergency operations plan in order to ensure all guidelines were met by fall 2020.

Curtis told the Daily Titan that the audit provided her with more detailed monitoring of areas lacking CSUN.

All employees should be aware of emergency and evacuation procedures in the event of an earthquake, but the audit found that nearly 14% of new hires did not attend orientation or completed necessary training.

In response, CSUN’s Emergency Management Program has created new ways to enforce training, ensuring that all staff are aware of the evacuation process. They are taught how to safely evacuate a building and how to provide appropriate support to those who may have mobility issues or other special needs.

CSUN is also required to establish and maintain a current roster of all building guards – personnel who assist with evacuations during emergencies – in order to ensure that each building is safe and adequately equipped. The audit revealed a shortage of guards assigned to each building on campus.

Curtis addressed the shortage of guards and plans to identify better ways to keep their records through the use of rolls.

All new employees are required to complete a mandatory online training in order to become part of the Marshal Program.

“We have created online training that aligns with other mandatory training that new employees receive when they are hired,” Curtis said. “[It] Part of their learning modules, with the expectation [that they] Complete it within six months.”

Klotz Student Health Center staff also receive training in the event of a disaster that may require emergency medical services, something the review identified the school to deal with.

When asked about the system’s overall policy that requires all universities to test evictions at least once a year, Curtis said CSUN has been doing so regularly before the audit.

“Those components were already in practice,” Curtis said. “They just needed to put it in written form within the plan.”

CSUN’s emergency department has made all necessary changes by implementing its new guidelines, according to Curtis.

“I think our campus is well positioned to respond to the earthquake,” Curtis said. “Our leadership and our Emergency Operations Center staff are testing regularly, and we have actually been revitalized for two consecutive years with the pandemic, which has really supported our ability to work collectively to respond [the] immediate needs of the campus, as well as working alongside our partner agencies throughout Los Angeles and the state.”




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