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Dobermans at Earthquake Park | San Diego Reader

Dobermans at Earthquake Park |  San Diego Reader
Dobermans at Earthquake Park |  San Diego Reader


The outside and the inside is the place to be.

“It was the beauty that killed the beast,” read the sentence engraved on the blond bar counter.

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”

Repeatedly. Sayings, thoughts, lovely atmosphere, the typography is stained on the blond wood counter. Every bit of bar space is brimming with wisdom, or at least a “Huh!” things.

It’s all in this old warehouse, modern and full of memories at the same time: Story House Distillery. It is a pub, a restaurant, and a place for making spirits. Mostly whiskey. And the plant is incredible: steampunk, full of bowls, pipes and mysterious gargoyles. Plus, the uber-cool crowd here adds a bit of zest to everything.

Stephanie introduces the happy hour slider.

One of Bartop’s sayings: “Listen, and I will tell a story.” “We are all storytellers.” Advertisements for beer mats.

I just arrived from the Blue Line station at the Park and Market. Missed bus No. 3 with a hair. dang! While I waited, I walked around. I was thinking of looking for HH in Callie, that cool and expensive new place below the camper stand. Except for a) there was no sign of happy hour and b) it was closed anyway. Oh right: It’s Monday.

Then I saw a sign in the corner of Park and J. “Distillery – Kitchen,” written on it. “Spirits of Story House.”

Great! Because they’re open, it’s still only ten to six, and I’ve heard these guys at the Storyhouse have happy hour, four to six. You just know that anything around this stimulant-based neighborhood is going to be expensive. I mean, look out on the street: UCSD itself came out of its ivory tower in La Jolla to dip its toes into this sea of ​​human they call the East Village. They built their downtown headquarters in Park and Market. Dress meets Town! I have ten minutes to get my savings on HH.

My slider is $5. Note the delicious bacon jam with a watery house source in the middle.

Inside, almost everything is a bar, black walls, blond wood counter, plenty of house spirits on display, plus a shelf of tables between us and the sidewalk. Yes, I remember now. This was a place for kiwis. Although I would be hard pressed to find out what kiwi food actually is. Whatever it is, we’re now looking at a concern that’s joined the latest gold rush from “soul houses” – places that make their spirits and add a nosh to the side. Oh. Check the clock: zero minus thirty seconds! I throw myself on one free chair.

“Happy hour?” I’m a gig to the barman.

He says “just”. It turns out to be one of those list-based things you point your camera at. “What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received?” beer mat says. I aim for my iPad. and brrrp! So happy hour pops. Kinda depends on choices, but beggars can’t choose. Especially here, because the average non-HH staple is $13-17. Margherita pizza is $17, you pay $12 for two “Surf n’ Surf” sliders (black shrimp and lobster salad), and a fried chicken sandwich costs $13. And people should like: For Monday, this place is rocky. Already packed. I would say kind of an IT crowd. People talking about ad budgets, working with Dobermans at Earthquake Park, Apple’s latest update.

But first things first: Resolution time is, like, now!

HH’s small menu keeps it simple. They call it Bar Bites. “Beef slider, $5, BGB’s…?” Brian garlic balls,” Stephanie says without any hint of sarcasm; she’s one of the servers. “He was a cook. But the BGBs are off today anyway.”

They were 6 dollars. OK, but we still have Carnitas Street tacos, veggie sliders, and onion rings, all $5. That’s all except for the cocktail deals and a $5 box of Ah-Jellies Legendary American Lager.

I should choose vegetarian. But with 30 seconds left, I order the beef slider, tacos, and jelly. Total spend, fifteen dollars. And imagine what? This looks like quality stuff. I check the full price list for clues about my slider. For $17, she says, you get two 4-ounce wagyu burgers, topped with aged white cheddar, and—that’s the selling point, for me anyway—bacon jam. WL! And the house sauce. And when Stephanie passes the slider in front of me, I swear I’ll get one of these 4-ounce burgers for $5. Because here’s the creamy sauce, the onions, and the glowing bacon jam. I’m chomping. The brioche resists in a graceful manner that suddenly relaxes and allows the gates to open, the sweet and creamy deliciousness of the burgers themselves freeing to race through my mouth.

TF My HH carnitas taco ($5). Tomatillo Avon green sauce is star.jpg

Wonderful. Poetic waxing is here, but it’s an experience. I think you must be hungry to appreciate this. And it’s all delicious because I wasn’t expecting it.

Tacos are a fun experience, too: We’re talking shredded carnitas with a bit of green tomato sauce, pico de gallo, and the pungent bonus of feta cheese.

And imagine what? This little slider and taco combo provide just enough grub to keep me going. The sliding plate placed on top of “It Was the Beauty Who Killed the Beast,” and I joined in again, “But the burger was filling my stomach.” As for grog, beer is just enough, which is your typical lager. I usual groan about “Where’s Arrogant Bastard (Stone’s Leading IPA Agency) When You Need It?” But in fact, this beer allows all the fun umami flavors to spend their day in the buccal cavity (heh heh, look for it! I had to).

I hate to leave, but I’m done with my rush. And I have a bus to catch up. Best thing: I now have a great, cheap place to go the next time I miss a #3 stretch limousine. As long as I miss it during happy hour.

Where: Storyhouse Spirits, 1220 J Street, 619-241-2780 Hours: 4-10 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 4 to 11 p.m. on Fridays; Saturday 12-11 PM Happy hour rates 12-10 PM Sunday: Beef slider, $5; BGB’s, (Brian’s Garlic Balls), $6; Carnitas Street Taco, $5; Veggie slider, $5; SH onion rings, $5; Legendary American Beer Jelly, $5; Unhappy Prices: Two **4** four-ounce wagyu burgers, $17; Margherita Pizza, $17; ‘Surf and Surf’ Slider (Black Shrimp and Lobster Salad), $12; Fried Chicken Sandwich, $13, Buses: 3, 12, 901929 Closest bus stops: Park and Market (3); xi and market (12, 901, 929); Trolleys: Blue Line, Orange Line Nearest trolley station: Park and Market




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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