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IIT Delhi researchers have developed ultra-flexible, low-cost restrained arches to improve the earthquake resistance of structures

IIT Delhi researchers have developed ultra-flexible, low-cost restrained arches to improve the earthquake resistance of structures


Indian researchers have developed low-cost torsion-constrained trusses that can provide improved protection for structures from earthquakes.

These brackets have many advantages, such as all-steel components, on-site manufacturing and assembly process, post-earthquake inspection, and easy replacement.

The earthquake resistance of civil structures is often improved by using seismic force resistance systems or vibration control devices. Torsion-bound arches are special structural elements that serve both purposes.

Researchers at IIT Delhi have manufactured Hybrid Torsion-Bound Brackets (HBRBs) that have higher strength, excellent ductility and better power dissipation capabilities, according to a release by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Arch-making Professor Deepti Ranjan Sahu and his student Dr. Ahmed Fayeq Ghosi of IIT Delhi, studied the seismic performance of more than a dozen full-scale HBRBs at the Comprehensive Test Facility of the Heavy Structures Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi developed under the Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure (FIST) of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Central Government.

Tests are carried out on samples with improvements and modifications in the laboratory, and according to Professor Sahu, a patent has recently been applied for the proposed shoring system.

A typical HBRB consists of two parts, a flexible steel strut (non-replaceable) and short-core BRB segments (replaceable), connected in a chain along its length. Steel arches can consist of circular or square hot-rolled structural steel sections.

Superplasticised shape memory plates are used in the BRB’s central core elements, which are encased in seamless integrated steel casings manufactured using four structural steel rolled corner sections and bolted connections.

The core elements are designed to undergo inelastic deformation under periodic axial loads to provide the required strength, ductility, and hysterical energy dissipation.

“These arcs can be customized depending on the expected seismic demand in buildings or bridges located in different seismic zones in India,” Sahu told.

The proposed technology is effective in new construction and has great potential for upgrading and retrofitting of seismic fault reinforced concrete (RC) and steel-framed structures, such as residential/office buildings, hospitals and school buildings.

These brackets can also be easily used in steel and concrete bridges to enhance their earthquake resistance.

Implementing this technology in existing structures reduces the overall retrofit cost and reduces intervention and downtime. Structure can be designed to meet desired performance goals in terms of strength and serviceability using Hybrid Buckle Braces.




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