Undersea internet cables can detect earthquakes
Internet cables crisscrossing the sea floor can be used to detect earthquakes and tsunamis or monitor how climate change is altering ocean currents, according to the UK’s National Physical Laboratory.
NPL and its partners added that these communications cables could be used as a giant set of deep-sea scientific sensors. Scientists tested the technology on a fiber-optic link between the UK and Canada.
According to the BBC, the research was published in Science Magazine. Because installing permanent sensors to monitor the ocean floor is so expensive, the scientists say, there are only a few available globally.
“70 percent of the Earth’s surface is water, but all seismic stations are on the ground, because it is very difficult and expensive to install permanent sensors on the sea floor,” said Dr. Giuseppe Mara of the NPL.
But many fiber-optic cables carry data across the world’s seas and oceans. It is estimated that there are more than 430 around the world, spanning distances of 1.3 million kilometers (800,000 miles)
According to Dr. Mara, vibrations, pressure, and temperature changes affect, by a very small amount, the speed of light as it travels through the cable that highly sensitive devices can then detect.
The researchers said they detected earthquakes and “ocean signals,” such as waves and currents, using the 5,860-kilometre EXA Infrastructure optical link between Southport, Lancashire and Halifax, Canada.
The scientists were able to use individual distances of cable between repeaters – devices that help boost the signal – as separate sensors.
“If we apply this technology to a large number of cables, we can turn this underwater infrastructure into a giant array of detectors for earthquakes, ocean currents and more.
“Expanding the seismic network from the ground to the sea floor will improve our understanding of the Earth’s internal structure and dynamic behavior,” he added.
The researchers suggest that cable-based sensors can determine an earthquake’s “central zone” in the same way as Earth seismometers.
This technology has opened up other possibilities, such as monitoring deep water currents for changes caused by global warming.
There is also the untested potential for using cables to monitor how climate change is altering seafloor temperatures.
Tech giant Google was involved in the research as well as the University of Edinburgh, the British Geological Survey and the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica in Italy.
The research could transform scientists’ ability to make measurements over large areas of the Earth’s surface where conventional techniques have been very difficult to use, said Brian Babty, head of the British Geological Survey’s Earth-seismology team.
“It creates a wonderful opportunity to monitor mid-ocean earthquakes at close range as well as the tantalizing possibility to measure other natural phenomena such as undersea volcanic eruptions and future tsunamis,” he said.
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