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Earthquake in Tennessee warns of dangers of severe earthquakes in the region

Earthquake in Tennessee warns of dangers of severe earthquakes in the region


A mild earthquake of magnitude 2.6 struck the area outside Knoxville, Tennessee, during the night, Weatherboy reports.

According to the US Geological Survey, the earthquake occurred at a depth of 9 kilometers from the town of Garland in the eastern part of the state. The event is the strongest earthquake ever recorded in Tennessee this month.

In the past week, the state has experienced three earthquakes: a 2.1 earthquake near Ridley and a 2.0 and 1.6 Richter scale earthquake near Tiptonville.

Earthquakes have also been felt by residents near Missouri, Georgia and Arkansas in the past two weeks. While these earthquakes are mild and prevalent throughout Tennessee, scientists advise people to prepare in case something much stronger happens.

While many people associate earthquakes with western states rather than Tennessee, one of the most powerful earthquakes in the United States occurred not far away. Scientists are concerned that the people of this area are not adequately prepared for the next major earthquake to hit the area.

Seismic Zone of New Madrid

On December 16, 1811, at about 2:15 a.m., an 8.1-magnitude earthquake shook northeastern Arkansas in what is now the New Madrid Seismic Zone. The earthquake was felt across much of the eastern United States and people shook from their beds in places like New York City, Washington DC, and Charleston, South Carolina.

In areas hard hit by the earthquake, such as Nashville, Tennessee, and Louisville, Kentucky, the ground shook for an incredibly long time, lasting from 1 to 3 minutes.

Earth’s movements were very violent near the epicenter, resulting in land liquefaction, as soil and water were thrown several feet into the air.

The earthquake was felt in the White House by President James Madison and his wife Dooley. Earthquakes were felt in Boston as church bells rang.

From December 16, 1811 to March 1812, more than 2,000 earthquakes were reported in the Midwest, including 6000-10000 located in the “Botell” where the New Madrid seismic zone is located.

The second major tremor, with a magnitude of 7.8, occurred weeks later on January 23, 1812, in Missouri. The third, with a magnitude of 8.8, occurred on February 7, 1812, along the Reelfoot Fault in Missouri and Tennessee.

Major earthquakes and violent aftershocks caused severe damage and claimed some lives. However, the lack of scientific tools and poor news coverage at the time could not depict the full extent of events.

earthquake lights

In addition to earthquakes, earthquakes have also been responsible for causing unusual natural phenomena in the region, which include seismic lights, seismic hot water, and seismic smog.

Mississippi Valley residents have reported seeing lights flashing from the ground.

Scientists believe this phenomenon is “seismic luminescence,” which is light produced when quartz crystals in the Earth are compressed. Earthquake Lights erupted during major earthquakes and powerful aftershocks.

Water is thrown into the air from the ground, and the nearby Mississippi River was also unusually warm. Scientists believe that the strong vibrations and friction caused the water to heat up.

Other scientists believe that the light emitted by the quartz crystals as they were squeezed, also heated the water.

Also read: A 5.5-magnitude earthquake shook area near the Fukushima disaster site

During strong earthquakes, the sky was so darkened that residents claimed that the lights did not illuminate the area; They also said the air was smelly and hard to breathe.

Scientists suspect that this “seismic smog” was caused by dust particles rising from the surface and merging with the eruption of warm water particles in the cold winter air. The result was a cloud of steam that covered the areas affected by the earthquake.

The area is still seismically active, and scientists believe the area will be hit again by a strong earthquake sometime in the future. Unfortunately, the science is not yet mature enough to say whether this threat will occur as early as next week or as late as 50 years from now.

Either way, because the population of the New Madrid seismic zone is huge compared to the sparsely populated area in the early 19th century, and millions more live in an area that would be affected by strong ground shaking, there could be significant loss of life and property in the event of another major earthquake.

Related article: Experts study the “largest earthquake in human history”

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