China: At least 4 dead in Sichuan earthquake | news | DW
China’s earthquake bureau reported Wednesday that a 6.1-magnitude earthquake shook part of Sichuan Province, with a second quake measuring 4.5 minutes later.
Chinese state media reported that at least four people were killed and 14 injured in the quakes.
The epicenter was near the city of Yan, about 110 kilometers (65 miles) southwest of the provincial capital Chengdu. The quake occurred at a depth of 17 km, at about 5 pm local time, and tremors were felt in cities in Sichuan Province.
City authorities said they have sent about 4,500 rescue workers to the site amid reports that the quake triggered a landslide that destroyed homes and a cement factory.
Local authorities said they were “doing everything they can to rescue those who have been trapped… and to reduce the death toll as much as possible.”
On Wednesday, county authorities said there were no reports of buildings collapsing yet.
The US Geological Survey recorded a lower magnitude of 5.9 for the first quake and said it was shallower at a depth of 10 km.
Ten years after the earthquake in China’s Sichuan region, we quietly remember those who died
Deng Haiyang, now 27, was buried under the rubble of a destroyed school building for 22 hours until he was rescued. Later, he had to have both legs amputated. However, Ding proved to be strong-willed. He obtained his university entrance qualification, completed his studies and became self-employed. But many of his classmates did not survive the earthquake.
Ten years after the earthquake that hit the buildings in Sichuan, China, “Okara”
The official tally of buildings destroyed was 6,898. Many people were destroyed, like the photo that was taken. The bereaved families suspect that corruption and poor construction were to blame. The authorities launched an investigation. The defective buildings in China are called okara, after the soft mass left during tofu production.
Ten years after the earthquake in China’s Sichuan region, there are doubts about the official charges
The official death toll was 69,227 in mid-2008, including 5,194 children. These official numbers have not been revised in the past decade. But civil activists in China are highly skeptical of the official number and are pushing for an independent investigation in the wake of the disaster. These calls have so far fallen on deaf ears.
Ten years after the earthquake in Sichuan, China, like mafia sparrows for activists
World famous artist Ai Weiwei and volunteers traveled to the disaster area and collected the names of the children who were killed. In August 2008, he was badly beaten by the police while conducting a search. One year later, he underwent surgery in Germany for a brain hemorrhage. He said, “I almost died.” The use of force by the police against the artist was never investigated.
Ten years after the earthquake in Sichuan, China, no significant progress has been made
In some areas close to the epicenter, the surrounding areas (right) still look the same as they did in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake 10 years ago (left). In the meantime, the red and white body bag has been removed (bottom right of the photo). Reconstruction does not appear to be progressing everywhere at the pace that China is usually famous for.
Ten years after the earthquake in Sichuan, China, record amounts of donations were recorded
After the earthquake, China raised more than 76 billion yuan (about 10 billion euros, 12 billion dollars) in international donations, a record amount. However, people living in the affected areas doubt that sufficient funds have been allocated for the reconstruction. Buildings like the one pictured above are still waiting for demolition.
Ten years after the earthquake in China’s forgotten Sichuan region
Farmer Ma Qing’an had been passing the same door every time for the past ten years to travel to the market. His house in the background looks just as it did right after the earthquake. Printed along the door frame are the phrases of fortune tray that have turned yellow over the years. Written on the left says “Good Governance, Harmonious Coexistence” and on the right “Longevity”.
Ten years after the earthquake in Sichuan, China, mourners
An old man cries near the grave of his relatives in a place out of sight. Wenchuan County, the area hardest hit by the quake, declared the 10th anniversary a “day of gratitude.” Many families of the victims see it as anything but.
The mountainous province is a popular tourist destination, and is touted as the home of the giant pandas in China. It is also highly susceptible to earthquakes.
A shallow earthquake occurred between Sichuan and neighboring Yunnan in January this year, injuring more than 30 people. Another accident in September last year killed three people.
The province saw nearly 90,000 deaths and widespread devastation when an 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Wenchuan County in 2008 – the deadliest earthquake in China in modern history.
rc / sms (dpa, AFP, AP)
Sources 2/ https://www.dw.com/en/china-earthquake-triggers-landslide-in-sichuan-province/a-61997338 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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