The study attributes the complex tectonic connection in the Indian plate to the Great Assam earthquake of 1950

Researchers traced the 1950 Great Assam earthquake (8.6 on the Richter scale) to the complex tectonics of the northeastern edge of the East Himalayan Indian Plate and the Indo-Burma Range (IBR) and interactions between the two, which can produce the deepest earthquakes in the IBR and the eastern Himalayas’ crust.
They have suggested that this seismic structure forms a complex tectonics that produced the Great Assam earthquake and may increase pressure for a future earthquake.
The Great Assam earthquake is the largest earthquake ever recorded within the continent and was located on the India-China border near the Mishmi Hills in the Arunachal Himalayas. The earthquake caused massive devastation throughout Assam and even caused the bed of the Brahmaputra River to rise, adding to the impact of the annual flood in Assam.
The study was conducted by the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun, which is an independent institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
The research team led by Devajit Hazarika with the help of small and medium-sized earthquakes in the region, which were recorded at local seismological stations, confirmed the general seismic pattern in the eastern Himalayas and the neighboring IBR with a particular focus on earthquakes in the Lohit Valley region. .
The study was recently published in the Tectonophysics Journal. The report was released by the Ministry of Science and Technology in New Delhi on Wednesday.
The Eastern Himalayan Synthesis (EHS) in Arunachal Pradesh and the areas adjacent to Assam is known as one of the most seismically active areas in the world. The northeastern corner of the Indian plate in the EHS belongs to seismic zone V of the national zoning map of India and has the potential to produce major earthquakes in the future.
In contrast to many studies conducted in the EHS and the adjacent southern Tibetan Plateau, very less studies have been conducted in the northeastern edge of the Indian plate in the Eastern Himalayan Composition (Tidding-Tuting Suture, TTSZ) to understand earthquake formation and formation. Tectonic link. The report stated that after the Great Assam earthquake in 1950, the area between Upper Assam and Mishmi Block did not produce any major earthquakes and is considered a seismic gap area.
Medium-sized earthquakes are rarely reported in the region by global seismic networks. To obtain information on medium and micro-segment earthquakes, the Wadia Institute has set up 11 broadband seismic stations in the Lohit Valley and eight stations in the Siang Window in Arunachal Himalaya.
The study said that the TTSZ area is seismically active to a depth of 40 km. In contrast, earthquakes in the Indo-Burma Ranges (IBR) are observed to reach a depth of about 200 km indicating an active subduction process of the Indian plate below the IBR. It indicates that the IBR is more susceptible to deeper earthquakes, while crustal-scale earthquakes are more likely to occur in the TTSZ.
Sources 2/ https://www.deccanherald.com/national/east-and-northeast/study-attributes-complex-tectonic-linkage-in-indian-plate-to-great-assam-earthquake-of-1950-1114385.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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