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The World Health Organization reminds the public to remain vigilant through Mr. Bean’s Key COVID-19 Checklist


The announcement of the public service reminds people of the importance of washing hands, physically distancing oneself and showing kindness

The World Health Organization (WHO), Project Everyone, and Tiger Aspect Productions have teamed up to launch the Public Service Announcement (PSA) using global comedy cartoon star, Mr. Bean.

If the cases of COVID-19 continue to increase globally, the “Mr. Bean’s Basic COVID-19 Checklist” is a reminder to people of the importance of washing hands, physical distance, and showing kindness to their neighbors. The PSA features a cartoon drawing of Mr. Bean fighting comically against an awkward shutter to finally uncover a few essential tips to protect people from COVID-19.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, said: “COVID-19 affects every course of human life and we should use all the tools and means at our disposal to share rescue information with all people around the world. I am grateful on the support of the team behind Mr. Bean on loan of your voice and talent to spread vital advice on physical distance, hygiene and knowledge of symptoms. “

PSA read Mr. Bean’s star, Rowan Atkinson, who created Mr. Bean’s character as a “child in the body of an adult” when he was at Oxford University, along with film director and sustainable development goal advocate Richard Curtis. Mr. Bean, which was originally broadcast in the 1990s before being transformed into an animated series, has since expanded globally with 96 million Facebook followers worldwide and big fans across India, Brazil and Indonesia. Mr. Bean is also celebrating 30 yearsth anniversary of 2020.

PSA coordinated Project Everyone, a non-profit agency designed by Richard Curtis that put the power of communication behind the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Richard Curtis said: “We are delighted to be working with the WHO on this sketch by Mr Bean and to support the health exchange of messages around COVID-19. In 2015, 193 world leaders committed to 17 global goals to stop poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. Good health and well-being are goal 3 and are key to achieving all global goals. It is crucial that we work with creative partners – and that all sectors come together to continue to receive messages on how we can fight COVID-19 and build a better world in which global goals remain the guiding plan to be achieved by 2030. And I am not quite sure which sector Mr. Bean belongs to — but we are overjoyed to have him on board. “


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About the World Health Organization

The World Health Organization directs and coordinates international health within the United Nations system. Working with its 194 member states, WHO’s mission is to promote health, preserve the world and serve the vulnerable. For more information on WHO visit, Follow WHO at Twitter and Facebook

About the project Everyone

The All project was founded by SDG writer, director and lawyers Richard Curtis, Kate Garvey and Gail Gallie with the ambition to help achieve global goals through raising awareness, holding leaders accountable and initiating action. Find out more at

On the production of tiger aspects

Tiger Aspect Productions, part of the Endemol Shine Group, is internationally recognized as one of the most successful and prolific independent television producers in the UK. Producing high-quality, multi-genre content for both British and international audiences, current productions include Peaky Blinders (BBC One), Karma Hospital (ITV 1), Jack Whitehall: Traveling with Dad (Netflix), Mr. Bean (CITV), Hitmen ( Sky One), Man Like Mobeen (BBC Three) and many others.

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