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Earthquake Information: Average Mag. 4.4 – 25 km SW Ahmadi earthquake, Ahmadi, Kuwait, on Saturday 4 June 2022 at 4:28 am (GMT +3)

Earthquake Information: Average Mag.  4.4 – 25 km SW Ahmadi earthquake, Ahmadi, Kuwait, on Saturday 4 June 2022 at 4:28 am (GMT +3)


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Mangaf (28 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 5-10 secs: shaking woke up, apartment and bed were moving, lids on displaced jars in kitchen and fell to the floor | 2 users found this interesting. (reported by our app)

Abdullah Al Mubarak Al Sabah, Kuwait (39.3 km N of epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Horizontal swing (side) / 2-5 sec: I was sitting in a chair praying Fajr prayer when I turned the house creak and felt the vibration side by side. | 1 user found this interesting

Hadiya, Kuwait (33.1 km NNE from the epicenter) [Map] Mild Shake (MMI IV)/Horizontal (lateral) Swinging/5-10sec: I was sleeping on the sofa in Olin’s basement when I woke up from the house shaking. It lasted 5-10 seconds. The house was making noises with the shaking movement back and forth. | 1 user found this interesting

Kuwait (49.6 km north of the epicenter) [Map] Weak vibration (MMI III): Estimated time of severe shaking and shaking, 5 minutes. | 2 users found this interesting.

Salmiya, Kuwait (50.5 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Horizontal (lateral) swaying / 5-10 seconds: While I was sleeping suddenly, my bed shook for 30 seconds in Salmiya, Kuwait. My family and I wake up immediately. The earthquake measured 4.4 on the Richter scale for a few seconds.

Abu Fatira (38.9 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / slight roll (sideways tilt in one direction) / 5-10 sec: We were sleeping on the bed and the walls moved in one direction waking everyone around us. Some objects in the house fell to the ground or moved. The severity was moderate. It’s like a train jiggling or passing by.

Kuwait Al Farwaniyah (47.2 km north of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak Shake (MMI III) / Horizontal Swing (lateral) / 10-15secs: I was nervous because I really got a phobia since I experienced the strongest earthquake of magnitude 7.2 in Cebu Philippines last 2013

Abu Fatira (37.6 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] /Moderate shaking (MMI V) /shake and roll / 2-5 seconds: This might be the strongest earthquake I’ve ever felt here in Kuwait. It felt like a huge animal was playing under my bed.

Salam (46.4 km north of the epicenter) [Map] Mild Shake (MMI IV)/Horizontal (lateral) sway/2-5 sec.: Mild. He shook my bed at about 4:30 in the morning and woke me up and shocked the parrot that had flown into its cage.

Kuwait (49.9 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Both vertical and horizontal swaying / 20-30 seconds: While sleeping, I could feel the bed shaking very badly and the air conditioner vent was making a noise as well as falling dust. Stop (Salmiya, Kuwait)

Hadiya, Kuwait (31.9 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / rumble, shaking / 15-20 seconds: mild shaking. We woke up from a deep sleep. I thought my husband was having a seizure, but the closet doors were banging and slamming shut! It definitely freaked me out!!

Farwaniya (45 km north of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV): I’m in a deep sleep, the crib vibrates like nothing…afraid and fleeing from the I feel steady..moving indoors.

Kuwait (52.6 km north of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Horizontal (lateral) swaying: I was asleep and woke up feeling as if someone had jumped with me in bed, I’m alone. I understood it was an earthquake and the others asked me if I felt it.

Salmiya Block 10 (51 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild Vibration (MMI IV) / Horizontal (lateral) sway / 5-10 sec: I slept in an apartment on the sixth floor. The crib was shaking well. Then I immediately woke up.

Fahaheel, Kuwait City (28.8 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Strong shaking (MMI VI) / horizontal swing (side) / 5-10 seconds: I was in a deep sleep, in my bed when my bed started shaking due to the earthquake. I immediately woke up, and realized an earthquake. Then I ran into the street, and a few others came out of their apartments.

Abu Khalifa (32.6 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / horizontal swaying (lateral) / 2-5 seconds: I was sleeping on the bed in our apartment in Abu Khalifa, Kuwait. I felt the bed swing. I thought I was dreaming. Then everyone ran outside

Kuwait (44.5 km north of the epicenter) [Map] Weak shaking (MMI III): I was sleeping and then woke up because I felt the shaking and the bed was shaking and the door was making a lot of noise.

Fahaheel, Kuwait (28.3 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] /mild vibrate (MMI IV) / rattling, shaking / 2-5 seconds: couch build, couch build, door screeching loud like someone’s breaking in 2 to 5 seconds rolling over and rattling

Block 2, Street 26, Building 5, Mangaf (30.5 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI V) / rumble, shaking / 5-10 sec: That woke me up. I live on the second floor of my apartment and it felt like the whole apartment was shaking and the wardrobe was shaking.

Mangaf, Ahmadi (29.9 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] Very weak shaking (MMI II): I was asleep when I started to move like someone was moving, so we all woke up. Turned out to be an earthquake. To go along with that, we called our loved ones. It was true. Post it to help others too.

Jabriya, Kuwait (49.3 km north of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / Horizontal swing (side) / 5-10 seconds: I was on the bed and the bed started shaking as if I was in a first class plane going through turbulence

Mahabula (34.1 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] Mild shaking (MMI IV) / head rocking (up and down) / 15-20 seconds: This was in the middle of my sleep. I thought my husband came home and deliberately shook the bed. But I didn’t try to stand up to get my phone but I felt dizzy

Hawalli (50.8 km north of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild shaking (MMI IV) / Horizontal (lateral) swing: In my bed, I’m watching some videos. And I felt that literally the vibrating building specifically was on the 10th floor, and by hearing things and shaking sounds.

Kwai (28.6 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / moderate shaking (MMI V) / horizontal (lateral) swaying / 15-20 seconds: I was in bed and all of a sudden there was horizontal shaking and it kept going, some things fell in the house

Salmiya, Kuwait (53 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] /Moderate shaking (MMI V) /Vertical and horizontal swing/10-15sec: He was lying in bed, heard cracking, then building started shaking. The cats took off and that’s when the tires hanging on the wall started beating from the swing of the building. The plants were still swaying after several minutes of tires and plants

Kuwait (50.3 km north of the epicenter) [Map] Weak Shake (MMI III): The building swayed back and forth for a minute or so. I was in the shower so I felt the shaking visibly

Kuwait (54.6 km north of the epicenter) [Map] /Mild Vibration (MMI IV) /Horizontal (lateral) swing / 10-15 seconds: I was lying on the couch, and suddenly I felt it vibrate, and heard cracking sounds in the walls and ceiling. It was like 3 earthquakes in a row, and then they stopped.

Kuwait City (46.9 km N from the epicenter) [Map] /Mild shaking (MMI IV) /Swinging my head (up and down) / 10-15 seconds: I was lying on my desktop browsing the Internet and saw screens shaking and my chair rocking up and down!

Fahaheel (29 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Moderate Vibration (MMI V) / Horizontal Swing (lateral) / 15-20secs: It is the strongest in my stay here in Kuwait for 5 years as our bed is shaking so hard it made us jump out of it

Kuwait (68.9 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak shaking (MMI II) / 2-5 seconds: It was 4:30 and I was lying in my room and I felt the shaking that scared me and I walked out as did my brother and mom too!

Kuwait Salmiya (52.9 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] Mild shaking (MMI IV): I was asleep (I’m not a light sleeper) and then felt like someone was shaking me awake, my bed was moving and I’m on the 4th floor and the first floor residents can feel that too, previously when we had an aftershock that wasn’t from You can feel it on the lower floors

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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