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Volcanic eruption detected at Bulusan volcano, alert level 1 higher – PHIVOLCS │ GMA News Online

Volcanic eruption detected at Bulusan volcano, alert level 1 higher – PHIVOLCS │ GMA News Online
Volcanic eruption detected at Bulusan volcano, alert level 1 higher – PHIVOLCS │ GMA News Online


The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) said Mount Bulusan in Sorsogon experienced a volcanic eruption on Sunday morning.

PHIVOLCS raised the alert status for Bulusan volcano from 0 (normal) to alert level 1 (low level disturbance).

“Alert Level 1 is now raised over Bulusan volcano, which means it is currently in an abnormal condition,” PHIVOLCS said.

The volcanic eruption occurred at 10:37 a.m. and lasted for 16 minutes, PHIVOLCS Director and Undersecretary for Science Renato Solidum Jr. said.

“Earlier, Bulusan had a volcanic eruption… The cause of the eruption was boiling water at the bottom of the crater. It lasted 16 minutes and we continue to monitor it,” Solidum said in an interview on Super Radyo dzBB.

(The Bulusan eruption occurred this morning… The eruption was caused by boiling water under the crater. It lasted for 16 minutes, and we are still monitoring it.)

PHIVOLCS later said in a bulletin released at 11:40 a.m. that the explosion lasted for about 17 minutes. She added that a gray plume rich in steam was observed with a height of one kilometer from the municipality of Joban before drifting west.

The explosion height is not high. There are dark gray or dark gray eruption clouds that can be seen protruding from the lower crater. It is possible that this happens in Bulusan (a volcano) which often has volcanic eruptions.”

(The height of the eruption plumes was not that high. There are dark gray or dark eruption clouds that can be seen emanating from the crater, and these plumes are not that high. This can happen in Bulusan volcano which often has eruptions.)

Watch: Bulusan volcano spews thick ash during a volcanic eruption

“With Bulusan’s continued activity, we will raise alert level 1 [we will raise it to Alert Level 1]He added that they noticed that the number of volcanic earthquakes in the volcano increased to 77 during the night.

According to PHIVOLCS, a volcanic eruption refers to a steam-driven eruption that occurs when water under the ground or at the surface is heated directly by hot rocks or new volcanic sediments (such as density streams of lava and lava) or indirectly by magma or magmatic gas.


PHIVOLCS said ashfalls have been reported in Guban and Kasiguran.

The Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO) said four villages in Irosin have ashfalls.

Irosin, Sorsogon MDRRMO Officer Fritzie Michelena said in an interview on Super Radyo dzBB that nearly 800 households were slightly affected by ash in Barangays Cogon, Bolos, Gulang-Gulang and Tinampo.

While the local government is already preparing for a possible evacuation of residents, Michelna said there is no need yet to move them to evacuation centers upon initial assessment.

“Avoid a radius of 4 km from the PDZ zone”

Solidum said residents should avoid a four-kilometre radius of the permanent danger zone.

PHIVOLCS also said that pilots should avoid flying near the top of the Bulusan volcano “because ash from any sudden eruption can be dangerous to aircraft.”

“Furthermore, people living within valleys and along river/stream channels especially in the southeast, southwest and northwest sector of the edifice should be vigilant against sediment filled stream flows and avalanches in the event of heavy and prolonged rainfall in the event of a volcanic eruption ” , he added.

Below alert level 1, the following can be observed at Bulusan volcano, PHIVOLCS said in an explanation on their website:

slight increase in volcanic seismicity and steam/gas activity; sporadic explosions from existing or new slots; A noticeable increase in the temperature of hot springs. A slight bulge or bulge in the edifice.

She added that this meant “hydrothermal, rocky or tectonic disturbances. The source of the activity is shallow near the crater or near the erosene caldera. Entry into the PDZ should be prohibited.”

In October 2016, Bulusan volcano released ash for about 20 minutes to cover four nearby areas. —KG, GMA News




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