The Archbishop of Miami says, “Haiti would not have been without misfortune.”
NEW YORK – In about two months’ time, the first anniversary of a tragic earthquake and presidential assassination in Haiti will be over, and the Caribbean nation’s condition appears to be even worse, or, as Archbishop Thomas Winsky of Miami describes it: “as bad as ever.”
In a recent conversation with Crux, Wenski, who has long been an advocate and ally of the Haitian people both domestically and abroad, detailed his understanding of the situation in Haiti, and how it has stymied a number of church projects.
At the heart of the problem lies the “recluse” of Port-au-Prince. All three major roads outside the capital have been closed off by gangs, forcing people to stay put or risk being kidnapped, extorted or even killed. Haitians also face a shortage of available resources, including gas and food.
It is bad enough that Cardinal Chipley Langlois of Les Cayes did not attempt overland travel to reach Port-au-Prince in order to fly to Miami to visit Wenski. Instead, take a private jet from Les Cayes to Port-au-Prince, which Wenski said was “the only way in and out of the capital.”
“The security situation is very desperate and paralyzing the entire country,” Winsky said.
This paralysis includes ecclesiastical projects dating back more than a decade. Wenski said that reconstruction projects in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, which flattened Port-au-Prince and killed at least 220,000 people, mainly died in the water because gangs prevented construction workers from accessing the sites. Also, the local mafia that controls the ports has made the process of shipping items there expensive and difficult.
One project in particular on hold is the construction of a new major religious school in Haiti to replace the one destroyed by the earthquake. Wenski said the property is secured and the money has been raised, but construction is on hold because the site is under gang control, “and because it’s on hold, we risk losing some funding because people may want to redirect that money to other areas.”
Collaboration on the project was the United States Bishops’ Conference, the Haitian Church, and others. The USCCB Partnership for Church Reconstruction (Proche) oversees approximately 40 reconstruction projects resulting from the 2010 earthquake, including churches and orchards.
A temporary yeshiva built by the Archdiocese of Miami is now located in an area also controlled by gangs. Haitian clergymen transported theological students to a seminary a few miles away, but Winsky said “it is only a matter of time until gang activity invades that part of the country” as well.
The Archdiocese of Miami is also conducting a damage assessment in the aftermath of the earthquake that struck southwest Haiti, particularly Les Caye. Those efforts face the same challenges, Winsky said. He hopes by midsummer to know what needs to be rebuilt or repaired.
“The blow to rebuilding and the possibility of rebuilding depends very much on what happens with the security situation,” Winsky said. “Jeremy Parish, Les Cayes Parish, Anse Faux, Miraguan, have lost dozens of rural chapels, schools, orthodoxies and clinics, and so they’re in a very miserable situation there.”
Regardless of whether and when reconstruction and reform take place, the question of how Haiti can move towards general political and societal stability remains. Winsky said the answer likely won’t come from the international community and will have to be the “Haiti solution,” although he doesn’t see that happening any time soon.
Meanwhile, the Haitian government poses another challenge. Prime Minister Ariel Henry took office after the assassination of President Jovenel Moise last July. However, Henry has no confirmation from a legislature and therefore has no legitimacy.
The constitutional period for the formation of a transitional government in Haiti lapsed earlier this year; So, what you have is “an illegitimate government that does not have a coherent plan to move the country toward elections,” Winsky said.
The archbishop noted that “it is as bad as it has always been and this is reflected in the increasing number of people trying to flee the country.” “It’s a sad situation. I tell Haitians that Haiti would have no luck if it weren’t for bad luck.”
Follow John Lavenburg on Twitter @johnlavenbu
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