Origin of deep earthquakes trapped inside massive diamond
Earthquakes are no laughing matter, unless, of course, it’s a sitcom premise that includes a 4.3-magnitude shaking and a sudden focus of hilarious citizens who are all named, fortunately, safe and sound.
While earthquakes can be a source of comedy and adventure in TV and movies, some have provided a bit of a mystery in the real world. Earthquakes are usually surface-level events, caused by interactions between tectonic plates where they meet at fault lines. Based on our current models, there must have been a pause at about 300 kilometers (186.4 miles) below the surface, such that earthquakes could no longer occur. At those depths, pressures and temperatures must be high enough for the rock to become liquid and flow smoothly, rather than bumping into itself with the strong tremors typical of earthquakes. However, that did not prevent the occurrence of deep earthquakes.
The presence of earthquakes hundreds of kilometers below the surface has been a head scratcher with earthquakes for a long time, but new research offers clues to why they happen, and the secret to unraveling the mystery was a huge diamond the size of your fist.
Scientists from the Earth and Planetary Laboratory at the Carnegie Institution for Science have created new models using data from large diamonds in the hope of learning how earthquakes occur at particularly low depths. Their findings were published in the journal AGU Advances.
One possible hypothesis for the origin of these earthquakes involved the release of trapped water from submerged pieces of rock, but it was previously not clear how this could happen. It was generally believed that pushing the slates deeper into the ground would release their water before it reached 300 kilometers below the surface. If it was the release of water that caused these earthquakes, it is not clear how they were underground until now. Large diamonds provided evidence of this.
When slabs of rock heat up under tremendous pressure, they liquefy and release minerals along with the water. This process facilitates the formation of diamonds that sometimes capture bits of the surrounding material within their crystallized structures. These inclusions provide information about the properties of the rocks that formed within them.
Scientists have found a correlation between diamond formation and water release, occurring at depths beyond the 300 kilometer limit. Scientists have found that once a small piece of rock reaches 580 degrees Celsius, it can no longer hold its water as it once did. The critical temperature is reached at different depths depending on a number of factors.
The distinguishing feature appears to be the age and thickness of the board in question. The relatively small plates are still relatively warm, and thus melt very quickly – at least on geological time scales – as they sink. While we imagine rocks quickly turning into underground magma, some plates are old, cold and thick, measuring kilometers deep, and can take millions of years to heat up.
These plates can migrate up to 700 kilometers below the surface before releasing all the water and minerals within. When that happens, diamonds form trapping some of the water and minerals inside, and earthquakes occur underground.
Fortunately for us, while these underground earthquakes can be very strong, over 4 on the Richter scale, they are usually too deep to be felt at the surface. We would never know about them without our sensitive scientific tools, nor would we know how and why they happen without the massive gemstones that form next to them.
Sources 2/ https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/origin-of-deep-earthquakes-trapped-inside-massive-diamonds The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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