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A prefabricated building for Hutt Hospital was proposed after earthquake hazards were discovered

A prefabricated building for Hutt Hospital was proposed after earthquake hazards were discovered


Hiritunga block at Haute Hospital. Photography: Mark Mitchell

The heads of the district health boards are proposing to erect a prefab building at Hutt Hospital, after the main building on the site has been deemed earthquake-prone.

The Heretaunga building is rated only 15 percent of the New Building Standard (NBS).

Plans are underway to vacate the building and move patients and services elsewhere, but there are already “significant capacity constraints” in the local community, public and private sectors.

Papers outlining the impasse were published ahead of this week’s Hutt Valley DHB and Capital and Coast DHB board meeting.

The documents said options for moving services to current capacity without significant and material impacts on patient care simply did not exist.

Moving services to these locations will only be viable if the building must be evacuated in the event of an emergency, such as after a major earthquake.

“DHB will have to take over capacity in hospitals across the region and in the private sector under emergency powers,” the documents said.

For this reason, a proposal is on the table to develop an option for a prefab building at Hutt Hospital to facilitate the evacuation of the Heretaunga Block.

Two initial options were revealed in the meeting documents.

One is a single storey building high above the existing emergency department car park and road, and the other is a two storey building located in these areas but from the ground up.

“These options are the fastest way to provide on-site inpatient capacity.”

Option A is a one-story building high above the existing parking lot and ED Road. Photo/Screenshot Option B is a two story building located in the parking lot and driveway in ED. photo/screenshot

However, the papers also cautioned that both options would still require a significant shift in inpatient activity within the Hutt Hospital site, and possibly to other sites, if the Heretaunga Block is to be completely evacuated.

Work to address a pre-existing shortage of hospital beds and theaters was in progress before the earthquake risks were discovered, by Distravis, a consultancy.

These consultants will be on site next month to further develop plans for the prefab building.

Any prefab building would be a temporary service solution and serve as a temporary hole to address the capacity shortfall.

Board members will consider these recommendations at a meeting on Wednesday.

Last week, it was revealed that a peer review of a draft detailed seismic assessment on the Heretaunga Block found that the building was in better shape than initially thought.

The second opinion identified precast concrete facade slabs as the only earthquake-prone part of the building, rather than many of the other elements highlighted in the initial report.

Facade panels are a non-structural element of the building.

However, DHB advised that this did not change the general status of the building by law.

A building’s rating is determined by its weakest part, so even if the problem is local, or only one component is less than 34 percent NBS, the site’s overall score is affected and still considered earthquake-prone.

Board members will also be asked on Wednesday to confirm a decision not to hold Heretaunga Block for longer than is practicable, in light of peer review.

Campbell Barry Mayor told Lower Hut that it was good that the hospital’s condition was better than originally reported.

But he criticized the DHB CEO for poor communication on the issue initially.

“The uncertainty created over the past month has caused serious anxiety in our community, and there is work to be done to rebuild trust and that certainty.”




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