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Researchers hold a wave to determine how forces control the properties of granular materials



By Lisa Ercolano and Ann Stark

Posted on June 30, 2020

Understanding the way a wave moves through particle matter – after an earthquake, for example – has broad implications for modern science. After all, scientists use the spread of stress waves through granular materials to detect the size of earthquakes, locate oil and gas tanks, design sound insulation, and develop materials to compress powders.

Using X-ray measurements and analyzes, a team of researchers led by a professor of mechanical engineering at Johns Hopkins University showed that velocity and dispersion measurements of wave transmission depend on the particle arrangements and power chains between them, while reducing the intensity of the wave occurs mainly from the particle arrangements alone. The research appeared yesterday in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“Our study provides a better understanding of how the fine structure of granular materials relates to the behavior of the waves that propagate through them,” said Ryan Hurley, associate professor of mechanical engineering at Johns Hopkins Whiting College of Engineering. “This knowledge is of fundamental importance in studying seismic signals from landslides and earthquakes, in the non-destructive evaluation of soils in civil engineering, and in the manufacture of materials with the desired wave properties in materials science.”

Hurley conceived this line of research while he was post-doctoral at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in collaboration with a team that included physicist Eric Herbold. Experiments and analysis were subsequently performed by Hurley and Whiting School Chongpu Zhai College after Hurley moved to JHU, with assistance and further discussions with Herbold.

The structural and property relationships of granular materials govern the arrangement of particles and power chains between them. These ties allow the design of wave damping materials and non-destructive testing techniques. Wave transmission in granular materials is extensively studied and demonstrates unique features: measurement of velocity of energy law, dispersion, and attenuation (reduction of signal amplitude, electric current, or other oscillation).

A previous research dating back to the late 1950s described what might happen to the spread of fundamental waves, but the new research provides evidence of “cause.”

Hurley said: “The new aspect of this work is to use on-site X-ray measurements to obtain the filling structure, particle pressure, and particle forces through a granular material during the simultaneous measurement of ultrasound transmission.” “These measurements are the highest accurate data set to date investigating ultrasound, forces and structure in granular materials.”

“These experiments, along with supportive simulations, allow us to reveal the cause of wave velocities in granular materials as a function of pressure and determine the effects of particle gauge phenomena on the behavior of the microscopic wave,” said Chai, who led the data. Analysis efforts was the author of that first paper.

The research provides a new insight into the properties of the time domain and frequency of wave propagation in randomly packaged granular materials, and highlights the basic mechanisms that control wave speeds, dispersion, and attenuation in these systems.

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