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Texas, California and Florida have seen a huge case of Covid-19 in the sky


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott paused for other phases to reopen the state on Thursday and ordered hospital beds to be made available to Covid-19 patients. Abbott’s move to his state, California and Florida (the three most populous) set records for daily coronavirus cases for fear of “apocalyptic” rises in major Texas cities. Gavin Newsom of California declared a budget emergency to deal with the $ 16 billion release to deal with the pandemic, his office reported. The head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the U.S. has accounted for only 10 percent of coronavirus infections. This can be said to have infected 20 million Americans. Officially, coronavirus has killed at least 122,238 people and infected nearly 2.4 million nationwide, according to Johns Hopkins. #Covid #CNN #Notes.



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