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Afghanistan earthquake | A Pakistani plane carrying aid joins relief efforts

Afghanistan earthquake |  A Pakistani plane carrying aid joins relief efforts
Afghanistan earthquake |  A Pakistani plane carrying aid joins relief efforts


Mansoor Ahmed Khan, Pakistan’s ambassador to the Afghan capital, Kabul, said that relief materials sent by Pakistan on June 25 were handed over to Taliban officials.

Mansoor Ahmed Khan, Pakistan’s ambassador to the Afghan capital, Kabul, said that relief materials sent by Pakistan on June 25 were handed over to Taliban officials.

A Pakistani military cargo plane carrying relief items for earthquake-affected people in Afghanistan landed at Khost airport on June 25, as tents and food and medical supplies entered the mountainous region, officials said.

Thousands were displaced or injured by a powerful earthquake in eastern Afghanistan this week, which state media said killed 1,150 people. An aftershock on June 24 killed five others.

Among the dead in Wednesday’s 6.0-magnitude earthquake, 121 were children, said the representative of the United Nations children’s agency in Afghanistan, and that number was expected to rise. He said nearly 70 children were injured.

Survivor Dawlat Khan in Jayan district of Paktika province said five members of his family were injured and his house destroyed in the earthquake.

“We are facing many problems. We need all kinds of support, and we are asking the international community and Afghans to help us move forward and help us,” he said.

Mansoor Ahmed Khan, Pakistan’s ambassador to the Afghan capital, Kabul, said that relief materials sent by Pakistan on June 25 were handed over to Taliban officials. “It was our duty to help our Afghan brothers in this difficult time,” he said.

Neighboring Pakistan has often been accused of harboring Taliban fighters in Afghanistan before they came to power last August as America ended its 20-year war. Since seizing power, Islamabad has led the way in pressing the world to engage with the religiously oriented Afghan government.

The Pakistani government and a Pakistani charity had earlier sent 13 trucks loaded with food, tents, life-saving medicine and other essential items to Afghanistan. A 19-member team from Pakistan consisting of doctors and paramedics is assisting the Taliban-run Afghan government in Khost, providing medical treatment to those injured in Wednesday’s earthquake.

The quake struck a remote, deeply impoverished region of small towns and villages nestled among the rugged mountains near the Pakistani border, collapsing houses built of stone and brick and in some cases killing entire families. State media reported that nearly 3,000 homes were destroyed or severely damaged in Paktika and Khost provinces.

On June 25, officials said Pakistan had opened its border in the northwest to transport seriously injured people to hospitals in Pakistan. But it is not clear how many Afghans have arrived in northwest Pakistan from the quake-affected areas for medical treatment.

Exhausted aid agencies said the disaster underscored the need for the international community to rethink its financial cut to Afghanistan since Taliban fighters seized the country 10 months ago. That policy, which halted billions in development aid and froze vital reserves, helped drive the economy into collapse and deepened Afghanistan into imminent humanitarian crises of famine. Victim assistance efforts have been slowed by geography and Afghanistan’s dire situation.

The winding roads through the mountains, which were already slow to drive, were made worse by earthquake and rain damage. Lucien Christine, a spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Afghanistan, said the International Red Cross has five hospitals in the area, but damage to roads has made it difficult for those in the hardest-hit areas to reach.

On Saturday, an Afghan military helicopter transported food and other necessities to people in Jayan. Dozens of men and children gathered in an open area under the scorching sun, waiting for food, water and tents to arrive from the Afghan Red Crescent.

The relief organization said it will distribute relief items to about 1,000 families in the area, including food, tents and clothes.

On Friday, the Pakistan Meteorological Department announced a new earthquake of magnitude 4.2. The Afghan government’s Bakhtar news agency said five people were killed and 11 injured in Ghyan, one of the worst-hit areas in Wednesday’s earthquake.

Abdul Wahid Rayan, director of the Taliban in Bakhtar, said the death toll on Wednesday had risen to 1,150, while at least 1,600 were injured. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs put the death toll at 770. It is not clear how the death toll is arrived at, given the difficulties of access. Both would make the earthquake in Afghanistan the deadliest in two decades.

In Urgan, the main city of Paktika province, medical supplies for the United Nations World Health Organization have been unloaded at the main hospital. In villages hit by the earthquake, UNICEF has distributed blankets, basic supplies and blankets to the homeless to use as tents. Aid groups said they feared a cholera outbreak after water and hygiene systems were destroyed.

In the Sabra district of Khost province on Saturday, UNICEF distributed water purification tablets as well as soap and other hygiene items.




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