‘I thought the world was ending when I saw my family dead’: Afghan children lose entire families in deadly earthquake – Afghanistan
![‘I thought the world was ending when I saw my family dead’: Afghan children lose entire families in deadly earthquake – Afghanistan ‘I thought the world was ending when I saw my family dead’: Afghan children lose entire families in deadly earthquake – Afghanistan](https://reliefweb.int/modules/custom/reliefweb_meta/images/disaster-type/EQ.png)
KABUL, 26 June 2022 – Dozens of children lost their parents and siblings in the 5.9-magnitude earthquake that devastated parts of southeastern Afghanistan on Wednesday, leaving them terrified and at risk of abuse and exploitation, Save the Children said.
The country’s deadliest earthquake in two decades killed about 770 people and injured nearly 1,500[i]. Aftershocks and torrential rain left communities stranded of assistance in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake.
12-year-old Mariam was buried under the rubble for three hours. She said she could hear the rescuers walking over her, but no matter how loud she screamed, they couldn’t hear her. She was eventually rescued but her father, stepmother, two younger sisters and her brother were all killed when the roof of their house – made of mud and wood – collapsed on top of them.
Maryam Nazir’s uncle*, now looks after his niece. Seven members of their extended family were also killed in the earthquake and four were seriously injured. Nazir was not at home at the time of the earthquake.
“My phone rang in the middle of the night and the person told me that my family was injured by the earthquake. I came here [to my family’s compound] And I found out that some of my family members are no longer alive,” Nazir says.
“I thought the world was ending when I saw my family dead. My nephew [who died] It was sweetheart. I look at his pictures every day.”
Chris Nyamandi, Save the Children Afghanistan Country Director, said:
* Children are terrified in the wake of this disaster. Not only did many lose loved ones, some were buried alive in the rubble and had to wait for hours to be rescued. And the constant aftershocks add to the pain and distress they have already experienced because they are afraid to be buried again. *
“These children will need immediate support as well as ongoing specialized care to help them recover and deal with the traumatic events they have faced. Children in southeastern Afghanistan and across the country were already living in unimaginable conditions. Millions go hungry every single day. On stale bread.If they are lucky, they will find some plain rice to eat once a week.
“Children cannot survive on bread alone, and if the international community does not provide urgent support – for the earthquake and the broader crisis in Afghanistan – and does not address the country’s economic crisis, we will see thousands of children die needlessly in the coming months.”
Save the Children has sent teams to the worst affected areas of Paktika District and will provide families with emergency cash grants to help them purchase materials to rebuild their homes and other urgent supplies, such as food and clean water. The agency is also conducting more assessments in the coming days to determine the needs of children.
Save the Children has been supporting communities and protecting children’s rights across Afghanistan since 1976, including during periods of conflict, regime change and natural disasters. We have programs in nine counties and work with partners in six additional counties.
Since the Taliban regained control in August 2021, we have scaled up our response to support the growing number of children in need. We provide health, nutrition, education, child protection, shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene services, food security and livelihood support.
[i] Afghanistan: Update 3 earthquake in Paktika and Khost Provinces, Afghanistan (25 June 2022) – Afghanistan | ReliefWeb Please note that these figures have been revised by the United Nations as more information becomes available. The original figures as of June 24 were 1,036 people have been killed and 1,634 injured. The new figures as of June 26 are 770 dead and 1,500 wounded.
Notes to editors:
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