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Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake rises to 155

Death toll from Afghanistan earthquake rises to 155


The death toll of children in the devastating earthquake that struck southeast Afghanistan last week has risen to at least 155, the United Nations said, as the scale of the deadliest earthquake to hit the impoverished country in two decades came into focus.

The United Nations Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, OCHA, said on Sunday that 250 children were injured in the 6-magnitude earthquake that hit mountain villages in Paktika and Khost provinces near the country’s border with Pakistan, destroying homes and causing landslides. Most of the children died in the hard-hit Jayan district of Paktika, which is still a scene of life in ruins, days after the earthquake.

The Taliban rulers in Afghanistan put the total death toll from the earthquake at 1,150, with hundreds more injured, while the United Nations gave an estimate of just under 770, although the world body warned that the number could rise.

The UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs added that the quake also left an estimated 65 children orphaned or unaccompanied.

The disaster – the latest disaster to plague Afghanistan after decades of war, hunger, poverty and economic collapse – has become a test of the Taliban’s ability to govern and the willingness of the international community to help.

When the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan while the United States and its NATO allies were withdrawing their forces last August, foreign aid practically stopped overnight. The world’s governments have stepped up sanctions, halted bank transfers and froze billions more of Afghanistan’s currency reserves, refusing to recognize the Taliban government and asking them to allow for a more inclusive rule and respect for human rights.

The former rebels resisted pressure, curtailing the freedoms of women and girls who remember their first time in power in the late 1990s, provoking a violent Western backlash.

Realizing its limitations, the Taliban appealed for outside help. The United Nations and a group of overwhelmed aid agencies in the country that tried to keep Afghanistan on the brink of famine, turned to action. Despite restrictions on funding and access, aid convoys flock to remote provinces.

On Monday, the UN children’s agency said it was working to reunite children who were separated from their families in the midst of the earthquake. It has also set up clinics to provide mental health and psychosocial support services to children in Guyenne who have been traumatized by the disaster.




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