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Official says Afghanistan earthquake survivors unsafe as aftershocks continue

Official says Afghanistan earthquake survivors unsafe as aftershocks continue


Afghans walk among the rubble of damaged houses after the recent earthquake in War Kali village in Barmal district of Paktika province, Afghanistan, June 25, 2022. REUTERS/Ali Khara

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KABUL (Reuters) – Aftershocks can still be felt in the area hit by a deadly earthquake in Afghanistan last week, a senior Afghan official said on Monday, and the area remained unsafe for survivors, as authorities continued to grapple with the aftermath of the disaster. .

The most destructive earthquake in Afghanistan in decades hit a remote area in the southeast of the country near the Pakistani border last Wednesday, killing at least 1,000 people, injuring 3,000 and destroying 10,000 homes.

Among the dead were 155 children, and nearly 250 children and 65 orphans were injured, the United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said.

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“The place is not safe yet,” Afghan Acting Public Health Minister Qalandar Abad said at a press conference in Kabul, adding that the area was still feeling earthquakes.

Friday’s aftershocks killed five people and injured 11 others. No injuries were reported in the subsequent tremors reported by Abbad.

He said the buildings partially damaged by the main shock were unlivable, and people had to live in tents.

On the other hand, he said that the mercury will decrease rapidly in the coming weeks in the mountains and this presents a new challenge for the authorities.

“People have no shelters – old people and children … we ask the international community to pay attention,” he said.

The disaster represents a major test for the leaders of the hardline Taliban movement in Afghanistan, who have been shunned by many foreign governments over human rights concerns since they seized power last year.

In addition, sanctions against Afghan government agencies and banks cut off most direct aid to a country that was facing a humanitarian crisis, including famine, even before the 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck.

The United Nations and many other countries have sent aid to the affected area.

An Afghan aid agency on Monday appealed for money to earthquake survivors, saying it had nowhere to store food and had enough tents, and that money for villagers to meet their own needs would now be very useful.

“People are asking for money in the regions and saying they have received enough aid,” Mullah Noordin Turabi, deputy head of the Afghan Red Crescent Society, told reporters.

Turabi said the Somali Red Crescent Society did not have a place to store food and they had enough tents for shelter.

He said the money would be more beneficial to survivors struggling to make ends meet, and the Afghan Red Crescent Society could help distribute the money if donors are concerned about transparency.

The United Nations Office of Humanitarian Affairs reported progress in its latest bulletin on Sunday, saying the tent shortage has been resolved and the groups are distributing various aid including food, hygiene kits and money.

However, he said many logistical problems remain including limited communications as a result of broken mobile phone networks and poor road conditions in some areas.

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(Reporting by Muhammad Yunus Yawar) from Kabul. Written by Gibran Bashimam. Editing by Robert Percell and Mark Porter

Our Standards: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.




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