155 children killed in tragic earthquake in southeast Afghanistan

A report released by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) on June 26 says that at least 155 children have died after a tragic earthquake struck southeastern Afghanistan last week.
According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), days after the earthquake, the heavily affected district of Gyan Paktika lost the majority of its children, Khama News Agency reported, adding that the accident left about 65 children orphaned or homeless.
The 6.0-magnitude earthquake that hit the mountainous regions of Paktika and Khost provinces bordering the Afghan border with Pakistan, also destroyed homes and caused landslides, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, injuring 250 children.
Quoting Taliban officials, Khama Press reported that the earthquake in southeastern Afghanistan caused displacement of local residents, killing at least 1,150 people, injuring more than 1,500 and destroying more than 10,000 homes.
Afghanistan has faced the deadliest earthquake in 20 years and is in dire need of humanitarian relief.
UNICEF has set up Child Friendly Spaces, where children benefit from psychosocial first aid services, with more than 100 caregivers present.
The UN assistance comes at a time when many organizations from around the world are supporting the people severely affected by the earthquake by providing large sums of money.
The United Nations allocated US$10 million from the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (UNCERF) on Sunday to support the Afghan people affected by the earthquake that hit the eastern part of the country this week.
A 5.9-magnitude earthquake hit parts of Afghanistan, including the capital, Kabul, on Wednesday. At present, more than 1,000 people have been killed in Barmal and Jian districts of Paktika province, and Sabra district of Khost province.
In addition, at least 1,455 people were injured in three of the six worst-affected regions of Barmal, Jaén and Sibera – many of them seriously.
More than 10,000 homes were destroyed.
Earlier, the European Commission also announced €1 million in humanitarian funding for an estimated 270,000 people living in the affected areas who need emergency assistance, and immediate humanitarian aid was sent to the affected areas on June 22, including 10 tons of medical supplies. Sufficient for 5,400 surgeries and medical treatments covering 36,000 people for a period of three months, according to the World Health Organization.
(The title and image for this report may have been reworked only by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is automatically generated from a shared feed.)
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