Afghanistan: Earthquake Emergency Response Plan (July – September 2022) – Afghanistan
Attachment overview
The Multi-Sectoral Earthquake Emergency Appeal targets approximately 362,000 earthquake-affected people across provinces in southeastern Afghanistan. A total of US$110.3 million is urgently needed to load life-saving response activities over a three-month period (July-September).
All areas affected by the earthquake were previously identified as having acute humanitarian needs in the 2022 HNO. As such, all activities and population groups within the appeal are already included in the projections of the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan – which projected the needs and response to approximately 500,000 newly displaced people due to conflict and disaster. The financial requirements to respond to this burden are already included in the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan.
Therefore, this appeal clarifies the activities to be brought to the fore over the next three months in the earthquake-affected areas. It should be noted that due to the extensive operating environment in Afghanistan, earthquake response is not implemented using the existing footprint of the development program or strong infrastructure networks. Therefore, the activities shown represent some of the more costly activities in the HRP, resulting in higher per capita costs.
Overview of context and needs
A 5.9-magnitude earthquake on June 22, 2022 struck the provinces of Paktika and Khost. Preliminary analysis indicates that Barmal, Ziruk, Nika and Gayan districts of Paktika Province as well as Spera and Shamal districts of Khost Province are the most affected, although more assessment data has been received. As of June 24 – less than 72 hours after the accident – about 770 people have been killed, with an additional 1,500 injured.
At least 1,500 homes were reportedly damaged in just one area. It is estimated that at least 70% of homes in high impact areas (MMI V+) have been damaged or destroyed, leaving many homeless, sleeping in the open and exposed to weather, health, protection and other risks.
Even before the earthquake, the affected provinces were in dire need. A rapid spread of acute watery diarrhea (AWD) has already been reported in most of the earthquake affected areas. As cholera outbreaks following earthquakes are of particular and serious concern, immediate investment in preparedness activities to prevent cholera outbreaks and reduce the spread and outbreak of acute watery diarrhea will be critical. In addition, with large parts of the country contaminated with explosives (particularly after the outbreak of conflict in mid-2021), earthquake shocks lead to an alarming degree of exposure to explosive remnants of war.
The earthquake-affected provinces were already ‘hot spots’ for food insecurity and acute malnutrition crisis levels. In addition, the earthquake comes before the impending harsh winter in Afghanistan and the early lean season, when food resources for families are limited or depleted.
In response to the earthquake, the de facto authorities deployed defensive assets (military helicopters) and ambulances to support search and rescue operations. While authorities have notified partners about the near completion of search and rescue operations, further assessments are needed to verify that no additional efforts are required. Regional governments and United Nations resources (UNDAC and INSARAG) are on standby. Post-traumatic shocks have also been reported and will require close and continuous monitoring.
While the situation remains dynamic, less than 24 hours after the initial impact, UN partners and NGOs have started mobilizing relief items to the affected areas. Joint multi-sectoral assessment teams with more than 10 humanitarian partners have already been deployed. The initial response – based on the no-regret approach – has also been published or transmitted. This includes mobile health teams, medicines and other supplies; emergency shelter and essential household items; Water treatment kits, soap and other hygiene packages; Replenishment of stocks of therapeutic and supplementary feeding for severely malnourished people; As well as food commodities and cash parcels.
Despite the challenges in establishing a physical base in the heart of the affected areas, humanitarian partners are assessing logistical, air, ground and other capabilities to expand the footprint as close to the affected areas as possible. A high-level joint mission involving senior leadership among humanitarian partners was also deployed on 25 June 2022.
ICCT used the best available information to determine the number of people likely to be affected by the earthquake. To do this, an analysis was performed of people living in areas of high density (using modified Mercalli density (MMI) estimates) and people living in shelters of non-strong materials. MMI measures the intensity of vibration from an earthquake at a specific location by looking at its effects on people, objects, and buildings. Based on this analysis, it is estimated that a total of 361,634 people are in need of humanitarian assistance across 17 districts in Paktika, Khost and Paktia provinces.
response targeting
Initial reports indicated that the majority of the population living in the affected areas has been affected, with many people sleeping outdoors due to damage to homes and fear of aftershocks. However, the availability of humanitarian assistance is limited and will need to target the most vulnerable, particularly after the first 72 hours.
Persons living in poor shelter conditions Persons with limited or no access to child-headed services, newly displaced persons (PWD) and long-term/long-term displaced persons, including those residing in informal settlements (ISETs) Persons with disabilities Working in high-risk jobs (daily wages/casual employment), with limited savings, high debt, and/or no support or limited support (in terms of living with family or host communities).
For planning purposes, the response was divided into three phases: Phase 1 (0 days – 2 weeks), Phase 2 (2-4 weeks) and Phase 3 (1-3 months).
Response objectives Alleviate human suffering by providing immediate life-saving and protection assistance to disaster-affected communities Facilitating early recovery for the most vulnerable through emergency livelihood support and provision of essential services Reduce impact on other humanitarian responses to conflict, natural disasters and displacement through rapid recovery Logistics and Operational Capabilities Phase 1 (0 days – 2 weeks) Period of confusion and inability to reach affected people Access to services and markets is severely disrupted. The ability of people to obtain their daily food needs is effectively reduced, markets are closed or severely limited, in part due to curfews and other restrictions imposed by the government. Limited market capacity resulting from heavy reliance on advance in-kind or air support. Able to reach affected areas International assistance and programs are set to begin to expand and reach more isolated and vulnerable communities. Disrupted and commodity prices may rise Phase 3 (1-3 months) Access has largely been restored to pre-earthquake levels, but while many people are returning to homes and damaged areas to begin repairs, some areas of mass displacement will remain and require large scale Improve services and work on viable transitional shelter options Pre-existing needs in other parts of the country are becoming more acute due to diversion of resources to earthquake-affected areas, particularly in Kabul, basic services have been restored but serious gaps remain between vulnerable people and areas from which recovery planning has begun, but resources for large-scale reconstruction have not yet been mobilized. Disruption of high-demand goods such as building materials and capacity planning assumptions
The Taliban authorities have deployed numerous military assets and resources (including personnel) to support search and rescue operations and initial emergency transport operations. However, the ability of the de facto authorities to provide long-term assistance is limited.
Within the humanitarian system, capacities are also limited because the affected areas have had little or no previous humanitarian impact. While staff may be able to top up for limited periods, adequate shelter and logistics for long-term/ongoing support is a limiting factor. Hiring women humanitarian workers is particularly challenging given the pre-existing limited number of female staff and restrictions on the movement of women without a mahram. Staff pressure has been put on pre-existing emergency response priorities in the eastern, central and southeastern regions, including due to outbreaks of acute watery diarrhea, measles outbreaks, and rampant acute food insecurity.
Logistics and access
The area’s telecommunications networks (landline and mobile) were previously limited but can be supported by emergency communications support.
Landing areas for emergency air support (including helicopters) have been identified and additional weekly flights have been initiated by the United Nations air transport services.
The initial response (assessments and aid distributions) continues to rely heavily on air operations to reach remote earthquake-affected areas.
However, major roads are largely traversable, allowing rapid transportation of relief items from warehouses in central and local capitals. Access to Pakistani markets may allow for an increase in stocks of emergency aid and essential commodities, although further assessment of this needs to be done.
The relationship between this plan and the Humanitarian Response Plan 2022
All activities and population groups in this plan are already articulated within the Humanitarian Response Plan. It is important to note that this plan is only for the first 3 months of response. The evolution of the situation will determine whether a separate appeal is issued or the objectives are modified.
Donors able to provide new funding are encouraged to reach out to OCHA and the Inter-Cluster Coordination Team for updates on gaps and priorities for the sector and to consider channeling urgent funds through the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF) or bilaterally. Donors are also encouraged to immediately mobilize global stocks of food and non-food items (especially more permanent shelter options), along with new funding.
Disclaimer United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs To learn more about the activities of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.
Sources 2/ https://reliefweb.int/report/afghanistan/afghanistan-emergency-earthquake-response-plan-july-september-2022 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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