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15 Earthquakes Rock South Carolina, with the shaking continuing today

15 Earthquakes Rock South Carolina, with the shaking continuing today


In the past seven days, two earthquakes have struck North Carolina and one earthquake has struck southern South Carolina, but at least 14 more have struck outside Columbia in central South Carolina, and many of these have occurred in the past 24 hours. The points mark the epicenter of each earthquake. Photo: USGS

At least 15 earthquakes shook South Carolina in the past seven days, with the strongest yesterday being yesterday’s over the past week; However, the shaking continues today with additional earthquakes, adding to the swarm that has caused more than 45 earthquakes since December.

Today, the USGS has reported three earthquakes, all in the Elgin/Logoff region of South Carolina that is north and east of Columbia. The first event, with a magnitude of 2.3, occurred at a depth of 3.1 kilometers at 12:23 a.m. shortly after midnight. It was located 6 km east of Elgin. The second, a magnitude 2.0 event, occurred at a depth of 3.1 km at 5:22 a.m.; The epicenter was 7 km east-southeast of Elgin. . The third strike struck 7 km south-southwest of Lugov at a depth of 2.6 km at 10:15 am. It is classified by the USGS as a grade 2.2 event.

While leaving residents in a state of alarm, today’s earthquakes are not as strong as yesterday’s, which generated thousands of responses to the USGS “Did you feel it?” Earthquake survey online.

Shaky reports have been given across central South Carolina of the earthquake that struck moments earlier. Photo: USGS

The first earthquake, with an epicenter 5 kilometers east of Elgin, South Carolina, occurred this afternoon at 2:43 p.m. Its depth was 2.6 km. The US Geological Survey said the earthquake had a magnitude of 3.5.

The second earthquake, which struck at 7:03 p.m., was the strongest to date. This earthquake, classified as an event of 3.6 on the Richter scale, was at a depth of 3.0 kilometers and had its epicenter not far from the previous earthquake, about 6 kilometers east of Elgin.

Several other earthquakes shook South Carolina this weekend, baffling many who aren’t quite sure why the mysterious rattle continues. Dozens of earthquakes within this swarm have hit South Carolina over the past seven months. The earthquakes this weekend were around Elgin, a small incorporated town in Kershaw, about 20 miles northeast of Columbia, the state capital. Elgin is located within the Carolina Sandhills region of the Atlantic Coastal Plain County; This area is characterized by many windswept sand dunes that were active during the last Ice Age but the sand dunes are currently installed due to vegetation under modern climatic conditions.

The strongest of the five to hit this weekend was a magnitude 3.4 event that occurred late last night at a depth of 3.3 km. All five earthquakes struck roughly the same location, although their depths differed slightly. There is a 1.5 event at 5 km, a 1.3 event at 2.1 km, a 1.8 event at 3.2 km, and another 1.8 event at a depth of 3.3 km after the 3.4-magnitude earthquake. None were strong enough to cause damage although more than 3,500 residents reported feeling shaken from event 3.4 to USGS.

A few dozen earthquakes have hit seismically active South Carolina since December. These weak to moderate earthquakes hit after a swarm came and went in December. The mysterious swarm began on Monday, December 27 at 2:18 p.m. The first earthquake, measuring 3.3 on the Richter scale, struck 30 miles north of Columbia, South Carolina, at a depth of just 3.1 kilometers. More than 3,100 USGS residents reported feeling it at the time, with one reporting shaking coming from as far away as Rock Hill, which straddles the North/South Carolina border. While the earthquake was felt by many, no damage was reported in Palmetto State. This earthquake was followed by 10 other events of magnitude between 1.5 and 2.6. The second earthquake occurred three hours and twenty minutes after the first. The last earthquake in that series occurred on the morning of January 5, bringing a temporary end to the quakes there.

According to the USGS, a swarm is a series of mostly small earthquakes with no identifiable main shock. “Swarms are usually short-lived, but they can last for days, weeks, or sometimes even months,” the USGS adds. However, the South Carolina event did not fit the typical definition of a swarm because the first event was much larger than the rest.

According to the USGS, “aftershocks” are a series of earthquakes that occur after a larger main shock occurs on a fault. Aftershocks occur near the fault zone where the main shock rupture occurred and are part of the ‘resetting process’ after the main slip on the fault, says the USGS. However, aftershocks of a magnitude 3.3 earthquake will only last a few days. Not the week before.

According to the South Carolina Department of Emergency Management (SCEMD), there are approximately 10-15 earthquakes each year in South Carolina, most of which are not felt by residents; On average, only 3-5 are felt each year. Most earthquakes in South Carolina occur in the Middleton Place-Summerville seismic zone. The two most significant historical earthquakes in South Carolina were the 1886 Charleston-Summerville earthquake and the 1913 Union County earthquake. The 1886 Charleston earthquake was the most damaging earthquake in the eastern United States. It was also the most devastating earthquake in the United States during the 19th century.

Fault lines operate throughout South Carolina. And while coastal South Carolina’s Charleston region is home to potentially significant seismic activity, questions remain about the cause of earthquakes northeast of Columbia in the central part of the state. Photo: SCEMD

There is some concern that mining in South Carolina could play a role in these earthquakes. However, the South Carolina Health and Environmental Protection Agency contests this idea. In a series of tweets today, they wrote, “Currently, the DHEC permitted mining sites in the area are surface craters, most of which are 30 feet deep or less. Their shallowness would not be expected to contribute to seismic activity, especially with recent earthquakes recorded at 6336 depth. to 12,672 feet… Even the deepest permitted mine site, at 900 feet, is nowhere near that depth, which is 75 miles away from Elgin.”

Some believe that hydraulic fracturing could play a role, but there are no hydraulic fracturing sites in this region.

The USGS is not sure of the exact cause of these earthquakes and does not know when they will stop. However, it is understood that at some point in the future, a major and devastating earthquake will strike South Carolina, and unfortunately for people in South Carolina today, it is not known whether this continued swarm will result in this in the short term.

Experts are concerned that at some point in the future a large-scale earthquake will strike and cause significant damage and loss of life. Although it has been more than 100 years since the last major earthquake, a 2001 study titled A Comprehensive Study of Seismic Hazard and Vulnerability for South Carolina confirmed that the state is highly vulnerable to seismic activity. The study, based on scientific research, provided information about the potential effects of earthquakes on current residents and on modern structures and systems, including roads, bridges, homes, commercial and government buildings, schools, hospitals, and water and sanitation facilities.

No one is sure what will happen to this constant stream of light earthquakes or whether or not something bigger is looming. Right now, SCEMD is sending out tweets to South Carolina residents encouraging them to prepare for any disaster this year – including earthquakes.

Do you know what to do if an #earthquake strikes while you are in ?? You have ? & ? ? next to it. Stay in, do not risk injury in potential dangers. Turn on your stomach. Cover your head and neck with a pillow. Wait until the shaking stops. Wear ? before leaving ?.

– SCEMD (@SCEMD) January 6, 2022




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