Will climate change lead to more earthquakes? How do you prepare?
The climate crisis is getting worse with each passing year. With climate change taking center stage during all kinds of natural disasters, there is no doubt that we have little time to take action.
Adapting to climate change is not an option. Even if humans could, somehow, adapt, what would happen to the millions of animals and other living things on this planet? Their participation in the ecosystem is vital to our survival.
So, adapting to climate change will not solve the problem. Nor will it delay the catastrophic impact of climate change. The only thing he will do is accelerate the devastation and havoc that the climate crisis could cause.
Earthquakes are among the most common natural disasters caused by climate change, and recently, their numbers have been increasing. At the same time, the intensity of these earthquakes is also worrying.
The recent earthquake in Afghanistan that killed more than a thousand people, injured thousands and destroyed more than 10,000 homes is an example of how lethal the situation is. However, are earthquakes linked to climate change? If so, how do we prepare ourselves? Let’s find out.
Climate change and earthquakes: is there a connection?
The earthquake in Afghanistan occurred due to activity in the Indian tectonic plate. The plate was rushing north towards the Eurasian Plate. Parts of southern Asia have been seismically active for some time now. The area is prone to earthquakes and the situation seems to be getting worse. South Asia is now a high-risk area when it comes to earthquakes.
So where does climate change fit into all of this?
While climate change does not directly cause earthquakes, it does influence other geographical changes, which in turn lead to earthquakes. For example, they are responsible for melting glaciers and rising sea levels.
Sea level rise in turn leads to tsunamis and tectonic plate movements. Thus, the melting of glaciers, caused by climate change, leads to earthquakes as well as tsunamis. This is how the two are related.
Tips for staying ready to protect your home
Safeguarding your personal and belongings during an earthquake is a top priority for many. In such cases, you may want to get homeowner’s insurance, especially earthquake insurance, if you can.
You should first check if getting earthquake coverage in your insurance policy is worth it. If your accounts increase and you see that you should get coverage, go for it. You never know when an earthquake might strike. It is the least predictable natural disaster. Earthquake insurance will cover losses and damages that earthquakes can cause to your home and personal property. It is especially important if you have a mortgage.
Without earthquake insurance, you risk financial liability. If an earthquake occurs and you do not have insurance, you will have to live elsewhere without any financial assistance to rebuild or repair your home.
Make a contingency plan
Staying prepared during an emergency means that you have to have a plan to see things through. Whether it is an earthquake or a hurricane, waiting for it will not be enough. Damage to life and property is common in such scenarios, which is why you need to make a plan to save as much property as possible and as many people as possible. Knowing what to do and what not to do during an earthquake is vital.
Begin by identifying the first course of action in the event of an earthquake. You need to run to safety, which is why you need to know where the emergency is or the fastest exits. Once out, you have to locate an open space where you can wait for the earthquake to end. This place should be away from large buildings, walls and structures. If these options are not available, mark the poles in your home where you can stand during the earthquake.
Build an earthquake survival kit
Having an earthquake survival kit is vital, especially for those who live in earthquake-prone areas. You never know when an earthquake might strike and how it might affect you. Therefore, it is always wise to stay prepared and have an earthquake survival kit ready at all times.
Everyone indoors should have their own personal earthquake kit. Start packing food and drinks. The food you choose should be dry, such as crackers or crackers. The set is best suited for a one-liter water bottle. If not, choose 500 ml.
Next, follow up with medical supplies. Pack your usual medication along with some bandages, gauze, and duct tape. Next, throw in a flashlight, some batteries, and a long rope. You should also consider putting a portable power bank inside the kit along with an extra charging cable for your phone.
The earthquake survival kit should help you survive for at least two days until the rescuers come to your aid. At the same time, the set can not be too heavy. Otherwise, it will weigh you down when you try to escape from your home. So, pack accordingly and don’t take anything you don’t need in an emergency.
Help your community
A community that stays together during natural disasters is always more likely to survive better. So, when preparing for an earthquake, don’t forget to involve those around you.
Start by gathering people from the neighborhood and telling them how they can prepare for an earthquake. Next, talk to them about how you can contribute to and settle the neighborhood if disaster strikes. They can contribute to society by playing any role they are good at. For example, a neighborhood doctor can take care of the injured. On the other hand, the police sergeant can alert the authorities through the walkie-talkie if the phone towers are down.
That’s all you need to know about how to prepare for an earthquake. You should learn to perform these steps correctly instead of just knowing them. So, organize or participate in workouts if you get the chance. This will help you get used to these steps faster.
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