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Who needs earthquake coverage and why

Who needs earthquake coverage and why
Who needs earthquake coverage and why


Natural disasters are events that create fear. When you add a flavor of how these events are reported, the fear escalates exponentially, especially when you are not familiar with a particular event. For someone who grew up in an area where snowstorms were common, in an era before The Weather Channel decided to name winter storms (an option I find suspicious at best), snowstorms don’t freak me out. And since I’ve lived in Florida for 17 of the last 22 years, and dealt with hurricanes in different ways, it doesn’t scare me either.

Earthquakes are another story. I was watching the World Championships in 1989 when the Loma Prieta earthquake happened (yes, I had to look up that name) and that was one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen on TV. For me, the thought of experiencing an earthquake is really terrifying. If you’ve had an earthquake and you’re not as terrified as I am, that’s fine and I’m happy. Just let me carry my irrational fear.

That behind us, we intend to answer three questions: What are the risks? What does the title document cover? Who Really Needs Earthquake Cover?

What is the danger?

While this sounds like a simple question, like most insurance questions, it is more complex than it appears at first glance. As we research the risks, we are not talking about the risk to life or any liability that might be associated with an earthquake event. We are only talking about the risks to property associated with the earthquake event.

Part of the earthquake risk is what may happen to the building and associated personal property. When an earthquake occurs, the earth moves. This isn’t a shock to anyone (it’s not even an aftershock). An earthquake occurs when the earth begins to move in unexpected ways; This causes everything on the ground to vibrate. When this happens, property can be damaged.

Damage to buildings can be a few shattered, cracked or broken windows, and some items falling off walls and shelves. At worst, an entire building can be destroyed if it is not able to handle the stresses placed on it from vibration. Whether the damage is minor or major, there are events after the initial earthquake that can cause more damage. This ranges from a fire or explosion caused by damage to gas or electrical service to water damage caused by broken pipes due to an earthquake to aftershocks that continue to appear after the initial earthquake. Those aftershocks could be strong enough to finish the job the initial earthquake started.

Another part of answering the question what is danger, is answering the question – what is the actual risk of an earthquake in a particular location? According to the FEMA website, there are no locations in the contiguous United States where there is no possibility of feeling the effects of the earthquake. This does not mean that every site has the same risk of earthquake or strong earthquake. But no area is without risk. Sorry.

Therefore, depending on where the building is located, there are certain areas that are at greater risk for stronger and more powerful earthquake activity and there are many areas where the risk is lower.

What does the policy cover?

This is also a bit complicated and depends on whether you are talking about a homeowners policy or a commercial property policy, a recognized or trailing policy, a California policy or a Florida policy. But here are some general ideas from the special ISO model for loss causes (CP 10 30 09 17).

Covered Causes of Loss When a particular is featured in advertisements, Covered Causes of Loss means direct physical loss unless the loss is excluded or restricted in this policy.

This is a good start, but you know there’s more to the story, right?


Ground movement (in part) (i) the earthquake, including earthquakes, aftershocks and any sinking, rising or shifting of the Earth associated with such an event; (ii) landslide, including any sinking, surge or turning associated with such an event;

If you’re keeping score, we’ve now excluded coverage because this is a specific exception. In fact, it’s the exception B (when you start counting at A). Very early in the model, we excluded earthquake-related damage coverage. You’ve probably already noticed that we haven’t fully added the exclusion. This is because we are not talking about mine subsidence (this is another article for another day) nor are we talking about sinkhole (covered) or the natural settling that occurs over time under a building (uncovered).

However, there is an exception that we may need to consider because you already think you think the fire that followed the earthquake should be covered. Let’s see how that happens.

But if the movement of the earth, as described in b (1) to (4) above, causes a fire or explosion, we will pay for the loss or damage caused by that fire or explosion.

So, the ground vibrates and causes damage to the building, but during that damage, a gas line breaks and two pieces of metal scrape together causing a spark big enough and in the right place to ignite that gas, causing dust. Kaboom crash. Earth-shattering damage has been covered for Kaboom. Good luck to the claims adjuster who is trying to discern earthquake damage and which one wasn’t.

So, when there is an exception, you have to wonder if there is a way to provide coverage to bridge that gap. The answer is that there are solutions. ISO has many approvals that can provide earthquake coverage. If you are considering an ISO solution, consider whether it is better to offer the insured through a flat discount or a percentage discount. You don’t need a primer on the differences between the two. You already understand that, but if I’m a guarantor and your client’s building is a $3 million building in a higher earthquake risk area, I’m looking to award a percentage deductible, but that’s just me.

Another solution exists. You can look up a policy for difference in terms to provide earthquake coverage and any other coverage that you think may be missing from the current policy that the insured has. The same warning applies. Look for the discount clause to make sure the insured is aware of it and how to apply it. This discount percentage can turn into large dollar amounts.

Who needs earthquake coverage?

So, the insurance practitioner in me responds first – that everyone needs earthquake coverage. I mean, if everyone bought it, it might be priced lower for those people who really need it, right? not exactly. In this case, when it comes to earthquake coverage, those who have to buy it because they are in an area where earthquakes are likely to occur will pay more for earthquake coverage.

To be clear, not everyone needs to buy earthquake coverage.

This will undoubtedly infuriate that company that is trying to build its own earthquake book by adding inexpensive coverage to all policies that fall into a relatively less risky area. It may be useful to have no intention of listing the hazards which I believe do not need earthquake coverage. I can’t do that, not because I have someone from our risk management team look over my shoulder and make my face in the face whenever I think of providing comprehensive insurance opinions without looking at the specifics of individual risks.

One customer who needs earthquake coverage is the one who thinks they do. If they want coverage, whether they are located somewhere along the New Madrid Fault or if they are located somewhere in Nebraska, find their coverage. It will likely cost them less than nothing and they will feel better about it. Personally, I generally dissuade someone from buying more coverage, even if I’m not sure they have enough risk to make the purchase.

I bought earthquake cover on a HO-4 in Florida. Well, it’s included, but I still didn’t ask to be excluded when I discovered it.

It might seem obvious to most of us, but I’ll put it here anyway. Any client with property in an area where an earthquake is more likely to occur and which is more likely to be stronger should consider purchasing earthquake coverage.

This will become a conversation about the potential costs and benefits of making this purchase because the higher the risk, the higher the replacement cost, the lower the deductible, and at least 17 other factors involved in the decision-making process. In short, unless the client is already convinced of earthquake coverage, you may have to help them make that decision.

Some clients think the cost is too high compared to the potential benefit of getting coverage. Others will think they need the coverage, but they may need a large discount to make the cost make sense to them. Then, you may need to have a conversation about where they’re going to get that money for their chosen deduction because not everyone has just 10% of $5 million in petty cash.

There are some clients who may not be in a high risk area and they are also not in a low risk area, but to add to the complexity, they are located in a highly developed area or city. Not a city like Jacksonville, but a city like Boston. Hazards in those areas may consider earthquake coverage not because they are at high risk of loss due to an earthquake, but because they have a relatively lower risk of loss, but a higher risk of catastrophic loss.

The benefit of purchasing insurance for a lower risk event in an area with more buildings at risk is double. First, the insurance is less expensive. Yes, the risk of a catastrophic event is higher due to the sheer numbers and values ​​of the property, but most companies that write earthquake coverage may have a lower concentration of buildings in their book in that area so with less exposure and less risk, there is the potential for lower premiums.

Here’s another thing to think about. If an earthquake occurs in a larger metropolitan area, and there are relatively few earthquake-insured buildings, where does the money for rebuilding come from?

the correct. Some will come from building owners’ pockets and a lot will come from local, state, and federal governments in the form of emergency funding from FEMA or another similar organization.

When there are thousands of people looking for money from these sources, it takes longer to get paid. When it takes longer to get money, it takes longer to rebuild buildings and remove rubble. If the building is insured, the possibility of getting a faster check is higher.

what did we learn? Earthquakes are terrifying and expensive. More customers need earthquake insurance than they don’t. And I don’t have anyone from our risk management team standing on my shoulder to make sure I don’t write anything that might get me (us) into trouble with anyone anywhere.


Topics disaster natural disaster earthquake




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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