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Ridgecrest earthquake: Three years later

Ridgecrest earthquake: Three years later


Ciarles Valley, CA (Kero) – The city of Ridgecrest is no stranger to earthquakes. This desert community located 100 miles east of Bakersfield was once known as a tranquil urban oasis, focused primarily on research and development out of the base of the offshore China Lake.

“So Ridgecrest itself is a rift zone, and it’s a very interesting geological and geographical area,” said Eric Bruen, Mayor of Ridgecrest.

But it is now known for another reason.

In July of 2019, Searles Valley experienced a 6.4-magnitude earthquake on July 4th.

“There is nothing more scary than having that big thing that scares you and then having something bigger,” Bruen said.

For weeks after those devastating earthquakes, the community worked on rebuilding. Repairs to the Naval Air Weapons Station in Lake China exceeded $3 billion. But in the following years, the biggest lasting effects weren’t physical.

“The psychological aspect of it was when we got 6.4, we started to recover as a community that day,” Bruin said. Then comes 7 p.m. July 5 and 7.1 has it in everyone’s mind that they can always be there, said Bruen.

The community of Trona is located just 30 miles east of Ridgecrest. This small community has suffered damage that has left it constantly changing.

Angelica Hernandez said: “We are actually from a big city and moved here. It was very quiet but after the earthquake it made it worse for us to live comfortably. Fallops back up.”

The Hernandez family moved to Trona a few months before the earthquakes. Although they hadn’t lived there long before the earthquakes, they could tell that things were still not the same. Three years later, the homes are still working on repairs, while some are now empty.

“I heard people left to go to Texas or somewhere else because of the damage or they didn’t want to stay because of what happened,” Hernandez said.

The town is rich in minerals with a mining factory supporting the small community since the 1860s. The only store in town, Family Dollar, is still closed and closed. Residents looking to find groceries should go to Ridgecrest.

“When we grew up, it was a really great place to live. It was a small community but there were things to be done,” said Priscilla Benadom. Benadom was the board of directors and grew up in Trona.

While the Trona community may be small with a population of less than 2,000, the people who live there have a love for their community that has seen them go through the years, through earthquakes, and through recovery.

“People have to realize that people are still here and it is not the building that is important, but the relationships,” Benadum said. “If I can see that starting to come back, I think that will be the step in the next direction.”

The local high school, a Trona demographic teacher for decades, was red flagged and forced to close. Current students and the district unite with the local elementary school.

“I graduated from that high school in 1976,” Benadum said. “It’s tough. I think the hardest part is knowing the gym is going to be demolished, and I know it has to happen but it’s hard to see that part of your life missing.”

Soon, the city of Trona will move forward with plans to build a new high school. Residents say they’ve seen increased interest in their city since the earthquake – and hope it helps draw attention to the hidden gems of this small community.

Something Ridgecrest leaders say has been a hidden blessing since the earthquakes.

“It provided a great picture of revitalization, building, new building, and rebuilding,” Bruin said.

In China, a new runway will be built in China, which will allow the base to welcome the latest models of aircraft and projects for the base that will create more than 1,500 construction jobs for the community.

“Our local movie theaters were more symbolic of the damage inside Ridgecrest,” Bruin said. “But when you go in and see the amount of work and activation that has been brought in, it is very similar to a phoenix that has emerged from the ashes.”




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