Seattle beaches could be buried under 20 feet of water in a future earthquake and tsunami
A new study released by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources has revealed that a future major earthquake centered in Seattle’s Puget Sound could trigger a tsunami that would bury waterfronts under 20 feet of water for hours.
The study shows the potential effects of a tsunami caused by a 7.5-magnitude earthquake along the Seattle Fault Zone, which crosses east and west through Puget Sound and downtown Seattle.
Scientists say that those who live along the Seattle area’s waterfronts and islands across the Sound District will only have about three minutes after the earthquake before the tsunami arrives. Waves can reach up to 42 feet along the downtown Seattle Waterfront near the Great Wheel, where floodwaters several feet deep at the end flood Lumen Field and T-Mobile Park, home to the Seattle Seahawks and Mariners, respectively.
The study found that submersion would last for up to three hours and could keep the water at a depth of 20 feet. The floodwaters would spread up and down the inland sea, sinking Tacoma — 30 miles to the south — under 6 feet of water up to three miles inland.
Experts say the last known earthquake at the Seattle Fault occurred about 1,100 years ago. Geological evidence suggests it was strong enough to push the shore at the recovery point on Bainbridge Island up 23 feet, while the land at West Point in Seattle sinks by three feet, according to DNR. If another earthquake occurs, the study indicates that changes in ground level could create an entirely new shoreline at many locations near the Seattle fault zone.
A new study has modeled the effect of a 7.5-magnitude earthquake on the Seattle Fault – the tsunami waves reaching the greater Seattle area within 3 minutes. pic.twitter.com/YclpeDT6O2
Washington State Department of Natural Resources (waDNR) July 7, 2022
Despite the large time gap since the last earthquake, scientists say another earthquake is still possible. Geological evidence suggests that five additional earthquakes with an average magnitude of 6.5 have occurred in the Seattle Fault Zone in the past 3,500 years.
“Although the chances of this happening in our lifetimes are low, it is important that families prepare now,” Maximilian Dixon, director of the Hazards and Awareness Program for the Washington Department of Emergency Management, said in a news release announcing the study. “The ground shaking will warn you of a possible tsunami on the way. Make sure you know where the nearest high ground is and the quickest way to get there. Get signed up for tsunami and local alerts.”
Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell says such studies are an important tool for the city to understand risks and prepare for future emergencies.
But emergency officials acknowledge that the results of the study “could be frightening” but stress that the study used a “highly studied event”, which means the likelihood of it happening is low.
“This sounds legitimately terrifying. We got it. This earthquake could happen before your phone alert hits,” said Washington Emergency Management officials. “If you feel an earthquake, drop it, cover it and hold it, then evacuate to higher ground.” And get as far inside as you can as fast as you can.”
Sources 2/ https://nypost.com/2022/07/10/seattles-shores-could-be-buries-under-20-feet-of-water-in-future-tsunami-earthquake/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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