The world-famous seismologist launches a podcast to calm the mess
A new podcast brings understanding for the coronavirus. It aims to help people realize that science can help manage chaos.
“Get it” podcast is built around a renowned expert considered by many to be the voice of calm in crises.
Dr. Lucy Jones deals easily with terrifying subjects, such as earthquakes. In August 2019, Jones led a group of Southern California leaders and inquisitive seismic adventurers on a tour along the San Andreas Fault. I discussed the “lines of life” which are electricity, water, gas, transportation and communications, which are things that bind us all. I discussed how all of these things will be affected during the earthquake, and what that means for all of us.
And while it was a terrifying subject, it did so easily, alleviating listeners’ fears. Now, she is facing the next fear, the fear that we cannot stop talking about.
Dr. Jones said: “It’s a scary period, but if you understand the world, it will make it less frightening and that’s what I’m trying to do to help all of us get past one of the really big moments of change.” “It is not just that people die, and this kind of turmoil will change our society. We will be a different culture a year.”
In 2016, Jones, the seismologist who has worked for the US Geological Survey for more than 30 years, established the Dr. Lucy Jones Science and Society Center with the goal of helping societies adapt to “the dynamic changes of the world around them.” The new podcast “get it” does just that.
“We see all of these things that make something scary or not, and they happen on different time scales,” said Dr. Jones. “The earthquake in a minute, the epidemic in the year, the flood in the month, the climate has changed over 100 years, but all of them disrupt society, kill people and harm the economy. One of the big things that we see in these situations is we are afraid.”
So far, the podcast has covered topics such as “Surviving the epidemic with knowledge” and “Why do you feel / fear the way you deal with disasters?”
Dr. Jones said: “There is this kind of great understanding of the image of how people work and how disasters affect us, which have many implications today.” This will be a difficult year. The epidemic is not over, we are dealing with it worse than many other countries for many reasons, and it is easy to blame. There is a lot to move but if we focus on that, where will that lead us? “
John Bury, co-counselor and community resilience expert, says they received a lot of public feedback during the epidemic. People wanted to weigh Dr. Jones.
“Everyone at home, people look for information, yearn for it, which gives them a sense of calm and gives them a sense of controlling the crisis because someone they trust gives them information that they can use. We thought it was time to do it.”
They work together at the Dr. Center. Lucy Jones Science and Society. Because the epidemic will not go away, they have discovered that they will help people through conversation.
“We ask them what you want to know and the response is how I plan for my future or what will happen after that is not about a specific epidemic or a specific natural disaster such as an earthquake or a fragile fire, it is only to overcome it,” he said. Puri.
When we asked why people find it necessary and extremely important to hear from the voice of reason right now, Puri said, “Part of what makes Dr. Jones so calming is her ability to communicate extremely complex information that seems so difficult to understand that she developed it in simple but also its tone. She is very human in her communication. “
According to science, there are many things we know: wear a mask. Being abroad is better.
Podcasts will discuss topics such as children, mental health and work at home. COVID-19 says, revealed our major community flaws. If there is any kind of silver lining, then we now have the opportunity to fix the error.
Dr. Jones said: “The Great Depression led us to the new deal and allowed us to make incredible improvements for many people, and the same turmoil in another democratic society in Germany led to the rise of Nazism.”
Although some of these major changes may take some time, “getting over it” is a way for all of us to shape the present and coming disaster together.
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