Colton begins an environmental review of 350 homes in the Loma Linda hills – Press Enterprise
With the start of the environmental review process for the development of the 350 controversial homes currently proposed for land in Loma Linda, the vocal protesters have a schedule for audience entry.
On June 16, Colton City Council approved an agreement with Michael Baker International to work, and with the developer, University Realty LLC, which would pay the city again.
With the item in the council approval calendar, which usually has little or no discussion, two council members wanted the residents of the Canyon feathers, who had openly opposed the project on traffic, fire and other issues, to have their say. The valley is a shortcut for travelers between Riverside and San Bernardino.
Colton Council member Luis Gonzales said he would vote against the agreement because he wanted public opinion to burden it.
Council member Jack Woods said residents of the Rich Canyon and Loma Linda city officials were calling him “denounced that they wanted to hear the opportunity on this issue.”
Woods initially wanted the Colton Council to present the agreement until August to give the public time to comment.
Danny Payne, director of the Citizon for Better Reche Canyon program on Facebook, said on the phone Wednesday that about 60 residents signed a letter to the developer expressing their concerns about the project, called Rancho del Prado.
The letter, dated March 5, says:
The project is proposed for a high fire risk area. The only access would be from already overcrowded Reche Canyon Road. Unstable South Hills will require large scores and are close to earthquake error. Both Colton and Loma Linda hills plans put the area aside for less dense housing than was proposed.
At the June 16 meeting, Colton City Director Bill Smith said the agreement was “just a contract to do environmental work” and that the time to reach out to the public was “a little further.”
Mayor Frank Navarro said the environmental work will explain in detail the project’s implications and implications for the city to consider.
He said that communicating with the public is part of the approval process for the report.
Mark Tomic, Director of Development Services at Colton, said he expects public hearings on the report to start in early 2021.
It is likely to be before the Planning Commission in January or February and before the City Council thereafter.
Council member Isaac Souchel said that as a result of the report, “they may face all kinds of problems related to the project, so I think it is important to move forward with this and see what we have there.”
The House voted 6-1 with opposition to Gonzales.
The developer agreed to indemnify the city for a contract worth $ 272,525 plus a 15% management fee.
If the project were to go ahead, Colton would also eventually have to move to annex the Earth. The property is cut off from the rest of Loma Linda via the measuring line, but can be linked to residential spaces in Colton in Prado and Crystal Ridge.
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