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UNICEF delivers urgent aid to children after the earthquake in Afghanistan

UNICEF delivers urgent aid to children after the earthquake in Afghanistan


More than 190,000 children need help in the wake of the deadly earthquake in southeastern Afghanistan. UNICEF is here to help.

Mahjahben, 2 years old, receives treatment for cholera at a UNICEF-supported mobile health clinic in Ghayan District, Paktika Province, Afghanistan.

© UNICEF / UN0665339 / Bidel

UNICEF is working with its partners to accelerate the delivery of aid to children and families still reeling from the deadly earthquake that struck southeastern Afghanistan on 22 June 2022. Some 362,000 people – including more than 190,000 children – were affected by the earthquake that killed 155 children. At least 250 were wounded.

The powerful earthquake and its aftershocks caused widespread devastation in many areas in Paktika and Khost districts, flattening homes and destroying health facilities, schools, water systems and other vital infrastructure. July is the hottest month of the year in Afghanistan, and temperatures rarely drop below 90°C. Without access to safe water and proper sanitation, many children began to suffer from diarrhoea, which is a leading cause of death among children under the age of five.

See inside a UNICEF-supported health facility built on the rubble of the June 2022 earthquake in Afghanistan:

UNICEF Deputy Representative in Afghanistan Alice Akung carefully navigates through piles of rubble in Ghayan District, Paktika Province, as she leads the way to a crowded health center where UNICEF supports life-saving health care and nutrition services for earthquake-affected children and families. The facility contains an acute watery diarrhea ward, an outpatient ward, laboratory and other essential services.

As of June 28, UNICEF has delivered more than 30 metric tons of medical supplies to the earthquake-affected areas of Afghanistan, including 1,000 first aid kits containing supplies to treat 10,000 injured people, and 30 kits to treat 10,300 cases of acute watery diarrhea, Oral and oral diarrhea. Injectable antibiotics for 30,000 people, 8,500 liters of intravenous fluids, tents that can accommodate up to 50 patients, and larger tents that can accommodate up to 170 patients.

Earthquake orphans, siblings Zaidullah, 6, Mahbouba, 9, and Al-Nazi, 4, are staying with their aunt in a UNICEF-provided tent in Paktika Province, Afghanistan.

© UNICEF / UN0665330 / Bidel

In Barmal District, Paktika Province, 9-year-old Mahbouba, her brother Zaidullah, 6, and her Nazi sister, 4, survived the earthquake, but their mother, father and three older brothers were killed.

“It was night and we were all asleep,” Mahbouba recalls. “Suddenly, I felt the whole place shivering and I was very scared. I woke up and knew it was an earthquake, so I ran away.

“While I was running away, I called my family loudly to get up. As I approached the door of the house, I heard my father’s voice saying frightened, ‘What happened to my lover?'” Suddenly the whole house collapsed on us.

In Barmal District, Paktika Province, 6-year-old Zaidullah stands under the rubble of his house. Most of his family died when the house collapsed during the devastating earthquake on June 22, 2022.

© UNICEF / UN0665326 / Bidel

“I was crying under the rubble and asking for help, and every time I called my family, I didn’t hear a sound,” Mahbouba says. “The fact that I couldn’t hear a sound from them made me even more afraid.”

The children live with their aunt in a group of tents in the Barmal area.

© UNICEF / UN0665328 / Bidel

For now, the children are sheltering with their aunt in the camp above. Their future remains uncertain. “I don’t know what will happen or what we will do,” Mahbouba says. “I’m so scared…and every night I don’t sleep because of the fear of the earthquake and the last words I heard my father say.”

UNICEF continues to provide medical care and nutrition services through 12 health centers and 9 mobile health and nutrition teams operating in Paktika and Khost districts. UNICEF also supports four Child Friendly Spaces where children can go to play with other children and access mental health and psychosocial support services through counselors and case workers.

Your support will help UNICEF reach more children in need in Afghanistan. Please donate today.




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