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Tornado earthquake patterns change Eric Alert! Science News


Photo: Landsat satellite imagery shows massive erosion after Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan. This is the effect of earthquakes in the affected areas. Show more

Credit: NASA / Landsat

The Earth’s crust is under constant pressure. From time to time this pressure is eliminated in violent earthquakes, caused mostly by slow movement of the Earth’s crustal plates. However, another influencing factor has not received much attention yet: intense wear can temporarily alter seismic activity in the region significantly. This has now been shown to Taiwan by researchers from the German Research Center for Earth Sciences in the GFZ Free Zone in cooperation with international colleagues. They report this in the journal Scientific Reports.

The island in the western Pacific Ocean is however one of the most tectonic active areas in the world, as the Philippine sea plate collides with the edge of the Asian continent. 11 years ago, Hurricane Morakot reached the coast of Taiwan. This tropical cyclone is considered one of the worst typhoons in Taiwan’s recorded history.

In just three days in August 2009, three thousand liters of rain per square meter fell. For comparison, Berlin and Brandenburg receive an average of about 550 liters per square meter in one year. The water bodies caused catastrophic floods and widespread landslides. More than 600 people were killed, and immediate economic damage amounted to about 3 billion euros.

The international team, led by Philippe Steer of the University of Rennes, France, evaluated the earthquakes after this statistically corrosive event. They showed that there were remarkably small and shallow earthquakes within 2.5 years after Hurricane Moracot before, and that this change occurred only in the area that showed widespread erosion. “We are explaining this change in earthquakes by increasing the crust pressure at a shallow depth, less than 15 km, in conjunction with surface erosion,” says GFZ researcher and lead author Nils Hoveus. The many landslides carried enormous loads, and rivers transported materials from the devastated areas. “The gradual removal of these loads changes the stress condition in the upper part of the Earth’s crust to such an extent that there are more earthquakes on thrust errors,” Hovius explains.

The so-called active mountain ranges, such as those in Taiwan, are characterized by “thrust errors” in the ground, as one unit of rock moves over another. The rock breaks when the pressure becomes too large. It is usually the constant pressure of moving and interlocking veneer panels that causes malfunctions to move. Earthquakes caused by landslides often cause a significant increase in wear. The work of free zone researchers and their colleagues for the first time shows that the opposite is also possible: massive erosion affects earthquakes – and it does so in a geological moment. Niels Hovius: “Surface and tectonic processes are connected in the blink of an eye.” The earthquake continues: “Earthquakes are among the most dangerous natural hazards and their destruction. A better understanding of earthquakes caused by tectonics and external processes is crucial to a more realistic assessment of earthquake hazards, especially in areas with a high population density.”


The original study: Steer, P. et al. “Seismic statistics changed due to hurricane corrosion”; Scientific reports; Doi: 10.1038 / s41598-020-67865-y


Scientific contact:

Professor Dr. Nils Hofius Head of the Department of Geomorphology Phone: +49 331 288-28810 [email protected]

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